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Levi POV.

It was finally time to leave hell. I walked out of my shitty English class. Eren was stood outside I looked up at him.
"Oh so you can talk!" He laughs jokily
"Duh..." I look away and start walking. I was still nervous around Eren since he had asked me out..
"Kitten I need your number~" he cooed. I mutter and write it on his hand. "Right I need to go!" I yelled a little and jogged towards the open door.

3rd Person

Levi knew that Erens love was a lie he wasn't stupid he knew I think everyone did... But why did he want to stay? Because he has small hope it might be real and not some sick prank. Meanwhile with Eren. He stood looking at where the short male had written his number 'Wow I got  his number' he thought with a sly grin.

//Meanwhile with levi//

Levi was hiding in his room his uncle yelling trashing the house yelling for levi to come down. He took his sharp blade off his drawer slicing into his wrists as he heard Kenny yell.
"WORTHLESS SHIT GET DOWN HERE SO I CAN BEAT YOUR ASS YOUR THE REASON YOUR MOTHER DIED!" Tears now streaming down his face he hugged his knees sobbing. Blood slowly ripped onto the wooden floor he stared at it for a moment before hearing kicking at his door.
"NO K-Kenny go away!" The boy yelled weakly. Soon enough Kenny had broken the door down booted Levi in his small rib cage coughing and spluttering blood onto the floor 'it will be over soon...' he thought. "LISTEN HERE YOU FAGGOT YOU LIVE IN MY HOUSE YOU ANSWER WHEN I CALL YOU DOWN!!!!" His breath smelt like beer it was horrible. The younger male nodded slowly and weakly before his vision turning black. He heard a tsk before his door was slammed shut.

//to be continued//

(A/n): hi guys sorry for a sort chapter but I hope you like it :3 Flowers will also be updated later tonight

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