lovers or lies.

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Third person.

Levi continued walking as he heard Erens friends talking he sighed slightly knowing he didn't have a chance with anyone in school or out of school. He quietly walked along until, someone had grabbed his shoulder. Levi yelped at first and turns around.
"Hey Levi.." Eren smirked looking down at him. Levi stared at him for a moment before replying.
"Hi?" He tensed up slightly. Eren leaned down to the ravens ear and whispers.
"Will you go out with me?" Levi froze he pinched his arm feeling small pain realizing this wasn't a dream.
"Your joking?" Levi questioned looking up at the taller male. The bright eyed boy smiled.
"Of Course not! Now will you?" Erens friends from across the street smirked and laughed between themselves. Levi just stared at the other before answering.
"Yes... Yes I will" His cheeks dusted pink. Eren chuckled and smirked
"See you later Kitten"
Levi stood there watching Eren walk back to his friends he quickly walked to school blushing.

Meanwhile with Erens Friends.

"Hah! Your dating a nerd!" Jean mocked and laughed. Eren smacked the back of Jeans head.
"Shut it Horse Face!" Eren punched Jeans mouth
"MAKE ME JAEGER!" Jean grabbed Erens hair, but before anything else could happen mama Mikasa and Armin pulled them apart.
"Come on guys stop it!" Armin whines "We're gonna be late!" 

To be continued

A/N: hai guys hope you enjoy the new chapterSorry its a little short I'll write more in my next chapter promise!

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