Chapter Thirty-one

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I roughly shoved the dress into the saddle bag, groaning loudly. Faye was pacing behind me, anger and irritation radiating off of her.

"Fayelinn, I need to go!" I repeated again for what seemed like the hundredth time.

She paused her pacing in order to stomp her foot against the ground. She crossed her arms across her chest and glared angrily at me. I glared back, making sure to let her know that I wasn't backing down.

It was safe to say, she wasn't exactly pleased when I informed her that I was leaving Camelot for the time being.

At first she hadn't believed me, but when I started packing, she seemed to realize what a big deal this was. I had put off telling her all day yesterday, so now we were up at dawn, yelling at each other.

"There is absolutely no point in leaving!" She argued, "Everything is finally calm after everything we've been through! Why do you want to ruin that?!"

"I've asked Gwen to watch over you until I can return. She will take very good care of you, and I trust her." I said, ignoring her comments.

"I don't want Gwen to 'watch over me.'" She said, "What I want is for you to stop finding ways to leave me!"

I paused packing for a moment, turning to look at her with wide eyes.

"I'm not trying to leave you!" I exclaimed, finally noticing the tears that had been welling up in her eyes.

"What did I do this time to finally push you over the edge?" She asked, "I haven't tried to cause anyone trouble!"

I rushed over to wrap her in my arms. She was crying now, and I stroked her long hair gently.

"You have done nothing wrong." I assured her, "I am not leaving because of you."

She ripped herself away, her anger making a reappearance.

"Then why are you?!" She demanded, her face becoming blotchy and red.

"I need to help an old friend." I lied, "She's sick and they don't think she'll last for long. I need to make sure she's comfortable in her last moments."

Faye visibly softened, her anger draining away. She sighed, watching me as I began to pack again. She came over and started helping me.

"When will you be back?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper.

"It is too early to tell." I replied, just as soft.

She paused, "I will miss you."

I tied the saddle bags shut, and turned to pull her into another hug. This time, she returned the gesture. When we pulled away, tears had welled up in both of her eyes.

I swung my cloak over my shoulders and gave her one last smile. I turned to leave, and just when I reached the door, Faye's voice stopped me.

"This Gwen girl better not ruin my sheets."

I laughed, but didn't respond, before walking out the door and shutting it quietly. I leaned against it for a moment before making my way down the hall way. I slung the saddle bags over my shoulder, feeling my heart clench slightly.

I didn't want to leave.

When I turned the corner, I ran into a group of knights. I immediately recognized them, and a smile lit up my face.

"Well, well, well, look who was trying to leave without saying goodbye." Elyon said, giving me a disappointed look.

I sighed, looking down at the floor. I hadn't wanted to confront them about leaving. I would miss them severely and I hadn't wanted to deal with a messy goodbye.

"Who told you?" I asked, looking back up again.

"Merlin." Percival admitted.

"Though we should have heard it from you." Gwaine accused.


"It's okay, Dawn." Leon cut me off, "We get it. But we're going you miss you."

I softened and said, "It's not like I'm leaving forever. I'll be back. You can't get rid of me that easily."

Gwaine cracked a smile, bowing deeply. "I wouldn't have it any other way, my queen."

I rolled my eyes and pulled him up into a hug. I quickly handed out the rest of my goodbyes, and gave them one last sad look before continuing on my way to the stables.

As soon as I turned the corner and was out of sight, I had to pause again. I hadn't realized how many people I would miss once I was gone.

It has to be done. I reminded myself.

I sighed and started walking again. When I reached the stables, Merlin was waiting for me in front of Abatos's stall. I joined him, not saying anything for a moment.

"Can you watch out for Faye?" I finally asked, slipping past him into the stall, "I have asked Gwen to take care of her, but she doesn't have your abilities."

I started saddling up Abatos, keeping my face away from Merlin's watchful gaze. I tugged tight on the straps and hooked on the saddle bags.

"Of course, Dawn, you didn't even need to ask."

I bit my lip, but kept at my work. When I ran out of things to do in the stall, I led Abatos out of it, keeping a tight grip on the reins. Finally, I turned to Merlin, facing him head on.

"I have a letter for my mother." He said, looking down at the piece of parchment. "Would you please give it to her?"

I took the letter and tucked it into the saddle bag. Merlin nodded, giving me a grateful smile. He held out another bag for me to take.

"It's filled with rations and the other supplies you'll need to make the trip. Gaius insisted I add your favorite blend of tea as well, so you'll find that."

"Thank you." I said, taking the bag. I hooked it onto the saddle as well.

When I turned back, Merlin had a small smile on his face.

"It was great to get to know you, Dawn."

"I'll be back." I reminded him, "And when I return, there will be more than enough time for you to nag me."

He laughed, and reached out for a hug. I met him halfway, leaning into his embrace.

"I'll look forward to meeting you again, my friend." I said.

"And I, you."

Someone cleared their throat and we both turned to see Arthur in the opening of the stables. I blushed, looking away.

This was one goodbye I had definitely not wanted to go through.

Merlin was no help. He took one look at the two of us and immediately gave me one last hug before backing away.

"I'll leave you two to talk."

Of Chores and Crowns (A Merlin Fanfiction) ✔Where stories live. Discover now