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Naomi pov

I looked all over the Internet for Marcus Aelius. Obviously what came up was a big millionaire philanthropist. Giving to different charities and supporting different causes. It was all bullshit. He didn't give unless he got something in return. I found an email address to his secretary Marty, he was nice. I sent him an email saying to tell Marcus if he wanted to kill me he would have to come and do it himself.

I felt someone's breath over my shoulder and I jumped into a fighting stance. Jack put his hands up in surrender when he saw my fists.

"Sorry I'm still a little jumpy." I said sitting down on my bed. Jack came and sat next to me.

"It's ok, I would be too if someone tried to kill me." He chuckled. Suddenly his facial expression got serious.

"Naomi, I uh, I want to tell you something and this might not be the right time but if I don't say it now I might not say it ever." He stopped. He was definitely nervous.

"What is it? Is it bad? Are you kicking me out cause that's kinda a bummer?" I said smiling a little.

"No nothing like that it's just." He paused and turned towards me on the bed.

"I like you a lot and I want you to know I will protect you from this man who's trying to hurt you. I feel so guilty that I didn't stay with you that night. I don't know what I would have done if you died." He said his head hanging low. I tried to process what he had said. He likes me. I smiled and lifted his head up. My hands on his face. He stared into my eyes that pretty blue mesmerizing me. I leaned in and kissed his soft lips slowly and passionately. He quickly reciprocated and with just as much force kissed me back.

Soon I needed to breath so I reluctantly pulled back our foreheads touching.

"I like you a lot too." I said.

"I can tell." He said smiling. I pushed him away playfully and left to go to the kitchen. To get food.

"I'm starving like a mofo so whatcha want?" I asked looking through the cabinets.

"How about pizza? I don't feel like cooking." He said. I nodded in agreement.

I pulled out my phone and saw Temperance texted me.

Got info on Marcus Alieus come to lab -Temperance

"Actually I have to go to the Jeffersonian. Temperance needs me." I said going to grab my jacket.

"You want me to come?" He asked and I nodded yes. He grabbed his car keys and we left.

When we got to the lab Temperance was in her office and Booth was sitting with another man whose face I couldn't see.

"So what's up sista?" I said. Looking at the man I recognized as Marty.

"Marty?" I said confused. He looked shaken up.

"He-ey, been awhile." He said and I enveloped him in a hug. He looked like he needed one.

"What's going on I only emailed you this morning." I asked.

"Well I saw it and did what you asked but then Mr.Alieus made me fly hear and tell you if you ever threaten him again that you won't be the target next time." He said looking past me to Jack. I turned following his eyes and they landed on him.

Fear instantly coursed through my veins. Not only was I afraid for my life but now for Jacks.

"He could've just called I still would've gotten the message." I said trying to lighten the mood.

"Well that's all I needed to do.. Now for the second part." He started to shake, and his arm reached into his pocket, he pulled out a pistol and started to bring it up to his head. Booth instantly went to try and calm him knowing what he was going to do.

"Sir put the gun down. You do not have to do this." He said.  Marty started to cry.

"I-I have to.. I-it's me o-or my fami-ly." He said. The gun was fully up to his head and he started to pull the trigger. I went to him to try and stop him but Jack pulled me back.

"Marty no!" Then the shot rang out. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. The ringing in my ears made it worse. Marty's body fell to the ground. The blood poured out of his head and I tried to crawl to him but Jack managed to pull me out of the room as Temperance and Booth handled the situation.

Jack pulled me upstairs and on to the couch trying to calm me down. The ringing managed to stop and I was crying.

"Naomi it's ok it's over now-"

"How is it over Jack? Now it's your life in danger because of me, Marty is dead because of  me too! He's not going to stop until I'm dead Jack." I managed to get out without blubbering.

"It's not your fault Naomi. I can handle myself, all I need to do is protect you and everything will be okay." He said cuddling me into his chest. I had never felt so safe. Jacks soothing heart beat calmed me down.

"What about Marty? His family." I said. Jack shooshed me.

"Don't worry about that right now." He said.

We sat there like this for at least an hour and a half. Before Booth and Temperance came upstairs.

"Naomi we uh we're sorry for your lose." Booth said trying to comfort me. I nodded a thank you.

"Before Marty shot him self in the cranium we saw the victim had multiple brus-" I cut her off.

"Could you not, Temperance, just stop talking about him like he's an object, he is- was a person. Something you probably won't ever be able to be." I said. I know it was harsh but she did it with all her cases. They were people not just a pile of bones. That's why I never worked wit her. I saw the hurt look spread across her face and I kinda felt bad but I didn't regret it.

I pulled away from Jacks grip and left the lab. I took a cab back home and went to my room and pulled off my jacket. I realized I was still hungry so I went to the kitchen. Where it was completely dark.

They instantly turned on and I jumped seeing a man in a suit.

"Hello Naomi, πριγκίπισσα (princess)," he said. I felt myself freeze in place as he stood.

"Marcus," I said trying to sound confident. He smirked.

"It's good to see you again."

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