The shoot out

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Robyn's Pov
It was getting late and we already missed the movie. We where starting to get a little worried but we didn't know what to do, and we left our phones at home sense we where going to the movies. I shifted a little in my seat makeing a little rub noise. Lilly looked at me a little worried.
Lilly~why is she taking so long....?
Idk....I hope she is okay....
Lilly~mabye we should go and look for her....
No, that's a bad idea....
Lilly~why? She has been in there for to long. Something bad could have happened!
Well....okay fine, but how do we get out?
Lilly~the window duh
Eh...fine but that sounds a little painful...
Lilly~eh true
But screw it! *i go thro the window and I land on the ground hard leaving a scratch on my cheek* OUCH
Lilly~u could have been more careful ya know
Shut up....
Lilly~haha okay *she crawls the window and falls to the ground* ouch
Wow ur just soooo nice *i roll my eyes at her and she giggles
Lilly~okay let's go *she starts to run towards the entrance and I follow right behide her but when we get closer and closer we see a guy holding a gun and we stopped in our tracks
...oh no...
Lilly~....what do we do? We can't just walk in there! This is not good....mabye he saw us!
Calm down I have a plan, we could go thro the back and try to find a phone....
Lilly~do they even have one in there
Well I can't think of anything else....we can't leave cuz there is a black van in the front....*i point at the black van, it was kinda hard to see who was inside or if there was someone inside but I wouldn't take that risk
Lilly~true....that's all we got huh?
Yep....lets go! *i start to run to the back and she follows from behind, and I hear her footsteps from behind me.
Lilly~now this might just be more of an bad idea
Hey we went this far! *we reach the back door and Lilly pulls on it
Lilly~it's locked....great...*she puts her hands on her hips
We could go thro the window. *i point at the window that is slightly open because of a little hinge that is keeping it a little bit open
Lilly~good idea! *she runs over to the window and opens it all the way and I run over to the window and I crawl thro it and land hard on the ground where it made a loud thud when I hit he ground
Damnit I got to work on my landing
Lilly~yeah *she jumps down and she barely gets hurt and I sigh
Okay I don't see a phone....
Wait look! *i point at the counter and at the top left of the counter there is two sharp knife for cutting open boxes
Lilly~some knifes?
Yeah we could use it as protect us
Lilly~true *we both walk over to the counter and we both grab a knife and we look at it for a long second. I place the tips of my fingers on the knife and I Glide my fingers up the knife, it was very sharp and steady.*
Lilly~we should hurry along.
Yeah agreed *we walk to the door and we peak thro the tinted window and we see one guy with a mask that's was covering his face looking around but his back is towards us*
Lilly~what should we do?!
...idk....I have one idea but I don't rlly like it but we can't back out now...*i slightly open the door just enough so I could get thro it. I slowly and quietly walk up to him and I cover his mouth and I stab him and his gun that was in his hand falls. I let Go of him and he falls to the ground making a thud noise and I bend down to where he feel and I feel his heart beat...and he is....
I..I killed him....

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