Chapter 21-getting sick

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It has been a few days later and Joey and Daniel got back from their trip and Joey isn't feeling too well
Joey's POV: I was feeling terribly sick and it wasn't getting any better. I ran to the bathroom and threw up and it didn't stop coming out. After hearing me throw up, Daniel came running into the bathroom and rubbed my back. I finally stopped and Daniel cleaned my mouth and carried me to our bedroom where he placed me down on the bed and went in the drawer to get something. He took out a thermometer and took my temperature. "102.8" Daniel said. I groaned and covered my face with a pillow. "It will be ok babe" Daniel said. "Danny stay with me please I need you" I said wanting him to stay with me to keep me company. "Ok babe I'll stay with u" Daniel said kissing my head and laying down next to me. I felt myself relax and fall into a deep sleep cuddling Daniel.

Hey guys I started writing this chapter yesterday but forgot to finish writing it and fell asleep. Anyway hope u enjoy. Sorry it's so short❤️💛💚💙💜👑🐷🌈😘😊

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