Once it's all Over

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To faithful Nightshade readers, this will be the last extra chapter so the story will make more sense. To new readers, ignore this message. I will also be editing Here With You because when I was 14, no I did not research pregnancies...

EDIT: You're sick of updates I know lmao but this was supposed to be posted exactly last year (in 2016), so... oops. Also, "Here With You" was already edited like a year ago.

I'm late.


Chapter 36

25th of Evening Star, 4E 202

I'm going to die.

Everything's sore.

This is it for me.

"Sister, will you stop moaning and groaning?" asks Babette, eyes peeking over her book. I turn my head with a glare. "Kaito is supposed to return today, so that's something to look forward to."

I shrug, breathing heavily through my nose. Kaito has been gone for the most part of me getting fat and cranky, so he's consistently sending me letters to reassure he's alive while taking care of dragon business and what-not. His writing is still poor, though. He writes like he holds the quill with his toes. "I guess," I grumble, then flinch as the baby abruptly kicks my stomach. A small section of my skin bumps. "Hey. Stop hitting me," I sternly command the child growing inside of me.

Babette sighs. "Are you sure you want to keep the baby? All you do is yell at it whenever it kicks you. Not only that, but sometimes you're moping around for Kaito, then you're writing angry letters to him the next." She sighs. "The cons of being pregnant I guess."

I place a hand on my belly. I am fat. So fat. My bellybutton looks like a swollen asshole. "I want to keep it," I flatly reply, "and I'm going to train it to kill."

Babette scoffs. "You can't do that when they're young, Cortana. There needs to be a difference in their morals, too. A balance. Otherwise all they'll think about is, well, murder."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"It will when your own child tries to kill you because they aren't getting what they want. You have to teach them correctly. Else they'll just be some reckless killer roaming the roads." She returns to her book, still talking. "It's disorganised, easy to track, and only an idiot will kill without knowing the consequences. If your child knows what'll happen if they commit a crime, they'll tend to be more careful. Take you for example. Your parents raised you to be spoiled, a brat, and conditioned you to think that violence is always the answer."

I glance down to my gigantic belly, shrugging. "Whatever," I mumble. "I'm keeping her."


I shrug. "I just have a feeling it'll be a girl, but Kaito wants us to wait for him to come back before we can reveal. For some reason, even if all the many stages of pregnancy does is bring me discomfort, I'm already feeling attached to the baby. I can't wait for it."

Babette laughs, shutting her book and set it down to her feet. "That's good. So, are you actually going to name it Hild?"

"No! I'm not naming my child Apple!" I reply furiously and swing my legs over the bed. "I'm gonna go walk or something."

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