Chapter 26

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A rush of cold air tickled Cait's feet as the white cotton sheet flew into the air and Riley dove under it before it could settle. He stretched out beside her and propped himself on one elbow, making a tent over their heads. She pouted that he'd pulled his underwear back on, but he'd been wandering around in the living room and they'd left the shutters open.

"Well?" she said. "Was it worth leaving the sanctuary?"

"You tell me," he said, producing his phone and holding it up for her to read a text message.

Steve: Wemusa's staying in Lakes' Entrance for the night. Enjoy.

Riley beamed. Cait tried to smile with him but if Wemusa was staying the night he must have found a house and might be preparing it for Henri's arrival – maybe even tonight. No. Steve would have warned them if it was happening tonight. The only part she had to play was to stay here, safe with Riley, and trust Steve had everything under control.

"Hey," Riley said, kissing her temple. "What's going on in there?"

She focused on him, his eyes squinting in concern. If it did go down tonight, this could be her last night with Riley before she went into protection to await the trial. "Useless worrying." She plucked the phone from his hand and kissed him to distract him as she flicked the phone across the mattress. There was a clatter and Riley pulled away, frowning.

"Was that my phone hitting the floor?"

"Oops." She bit her lip in a way she imagined was coquettish.

He chuckled and gathered her to his side. She snuggled in, rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes as he stroked her hair. She was soon drifting toward sleep. Riley's phone rang again.

"That's Sean's ringtone, isn't it?" she said.


"Leave it," she said, tightening her arm over his chest.


It rang a few more times before the noise stopped.

Then resumed. She lifted her head and frowned.

"He does that," Riley said, adjusting his arms around her. "He doesn't want to leave a message so he rings straight back in case I was on the phone. Don't worry about it."

When the ringtone started a fourth time, Riley groaned.

"Get it," Cait said.

Riley left their sheet sanctuary and Cait tucked the sheet under her chin to eavesdrop.

"Seriously, Sean–" Riley went silent, then his face went white. "No I didn't. When was this?"

Cait's heart dropped.

"When was what?"

Riley fixed her with a desperate look as he listened. Cait leaped from the bed and started pulling on clothes.

"Okay. I'm going to make some calls and get back to you... Of course, but we're two hours away–... Still in Daylesford, with Kitty. Now let me go and we'll see you as soon as we can."

At last he ended the call.

"What's happened?" Cait asked.

Riley swallowed before he answered. "Daisy was taken from school."

Cait went cold.

"Taken. What do you mean taken? Who took her?"

"Someone with a badge, saying I sent them. I'm calling Koffa."

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