Chapter 1

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It's summer again. The team's just got back from their practice at Shinzen High, and everyone is excited to show off their newly learned techniques. Although, I can't say that I'm too happy.

Every day is one day nearer to the end of the third years' time with us. It's all I think about. How can the team continue without Daichi to keep everyone in line, Suga to encourage us, and Asahi to...

"Noya!" Tanaka yelled from the other side of the gym, "You're in your own world again, man!"

Oh... Nishinoya thought, How long have I been standing here staring into space? I didn't even realize I was.

"Ha, ha, I was just thinking about training camp. Guess I got carried away," he said, just as enthusiastically as he normally would.

After that he continued going about as normal, in his carefree way. There was something relaxing about seeing everyone cleaning up the gym. I guess it was what you'd call their reflection time.

Nishinoya was dragging back one of the mops when he realized his own arms felt like they were going to fall off. Still, if he had been doing what he did at training camp a year ago, he was sure his arms probably would have broken off. The first years aren't the only ones who've improved.

He put the mop in the storage room. His heart gave a jolt when he saw Asahi leaning against a wall looking at the floor.

"Asahi," Noya said quietly, not wanting to startle the gentle giant.

Asahi looked up, but his expression didn't change. It was kind of scary, even though he knew there was no ill intent meant.

"Sorry, Nishinoya, I didn't notice you come in," Asahi said and started to shuffle around, re-arranging things that were fine the way they were, "Uh, I meant to ask you earlier, but, um, I was wondering if you'd like to walk home with me."

But we don't live near each other.

"Uh-" Nishinoya began to retort, but then it clicked. If Asahi wanted to go out of his way to talk to him at an ungodly hour of the night, when he has to be exhausted and craving sleep, then it must be something important to him, "Y-Yeah, okay!"

Sugawara came into the room, which ended any further conversation that they might've had with each other. Nishinoya tried to act like nothing tense had happened, but before he could cover it up, he knew Suga had sensed something. Damn it, there's no hiding anything from him. One look from Noya, who still had a blank expression, and to Asahi which was now frantically moving boxes in a corner that hadn't been touched in months, and it couldn't have been made more obvious to the mom of the team.

"Wow, guys. I feel like the team is getting really good," Suga said lightly, as he rolled in the volleyball cart, "It seems like the first years are learning to stand on their own."

"I'm proud of them," Asahi said, recovering a bit from his scramble.

"They still definitely need their senpais to keep them together, though," Noya said confidently, but he thought he got the point across to them both. He wanted to scream it until his lungs hurt, "We still need the third years."

There was an awkward silence between them, in which they didn't look at each other or move. All was still until Suga finally pushed the cart the rest of the way. Then, they filed out.

One by one, they all left the gym and acted as though everything was completely fine. They talked with each other and joked when they went to the club room to get their stuff.

Asahi lingered in the club room, so naturally Noya did too. The first and second years were all gone. Only Sugawara and Daichi were left. They were quietly gathering up their stuff.

Suga has a calm, yet pleasant smile on his face, as well as Daichi. Somehow he'd already relayed his weird little incident to the captain. Damn you, Suga.

Once the two thew their bags over their shoulders they both went towards the doors. Daichi took his keys out of his pocket and thew them at Asahi.

"Make sure you lock up, boys. Oh, and make sure you open up the gym at 6 am," he winked at them, "See ya!"

They slammed the door shut behind them, and they could hear Daichi and Suga giggling as they ran off.

Noya and Asahi looked at each other for a horrified moment. Now they were alone together, about to have most definitely awkward conversation. And, God knows what Daichi and Suga thought they were up to.

"So, are we still going to walk home together?" Noya asked, just to be safe.

"Nope, I just wanted to talk," Asahi said, scratching his head, "Ha, I guess Suga's detection skills are sharp as ever. He must have overheard us."

"I guess so," Noya said in a cheerful tone, not wanting things to get too serious too fast.

Asahi looked at him and then looked away. He took off his headband.

"Noya," Asahi said quietly, "How do you feel about me?"

And in that moment, Noya was for the first time in his life, rendered speechless.

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