Chapter 3

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Iris's POV

What I'm doing now is what normal people, who encountering an evil person, would'nt do. I'm sitting on the couch, opposite him, waiting for Lisa to prepare the tea.

I know no one in their right mind would invite someone like him to sit and have tea. But I'm not normal, never was, and never will be.

'Tea's ready'  Lisa said through the intercom.

I teleport it to the coffee table that seperated me and him. Lisa had also prepared some cookies. Chocolate cookies, my favourite.

"Want tea?" I asked him.

"If it doesn't bother you, yes please" he replied, quite reluctantly at the end. Looks like someone's trying to be polite. I smiled, amused that he said 'please'.

"What's so funny?" that made me want to laugh. But I didn't. He hasn't done damage, so I don't want to enrage him.

"Nothing. It's just weird that you said please." I pass the tea cup to him, with some cookies at the side.

"I'm just sticking to the deal" We took a sip of tea. The ruler of Nox and I have made a deal when I came down here to live. If he doesn't harm the people here, especially my family,then I don't harm them. Simple.

"So what's bring you here?" I asked after eating the cookie. Lisa's cooking are just amazing!

"I'm sent by King Abel, here to deliver a message." Ooh, a messenger! 

"Do all messengers dress like you?" I can't help but ask. His pirate outfit is awesome.

He looked at me weird. "Most of them" I smiled back at him.

"Sorry about the random question. So, what message?" 

"King Abel said he is going to have a war with Herensuge." 

"And? Why is he telling me this?" Herensuge. Sure I miss the scenery and some kind hearted people there, but I don't plan on going back. Why should I? When I already have a loving family here, and a happy life?

"He wants you to deliver this message to Herensuge. He can't cross the border because you made the deal with him."

"Why can't he do it himself? He has been doing it all those years. Don't look at me like that, I knew all along what you guys been doing" It's true. He has been doing mini attacks on Herensuge. The fact that they think I didn't know was ridiculous, I remain silent.

They actually did me a favor. They helped me get my revenge on the Kingdom.

"Those are small things. Nothing major. This war is a big matter. Doing mini attacks and telling the victim that we are going to have with the Kingdom is cowardly. And we can't cross the border, so he asked you."

"btw, I don't know your name."


I refilled Santiago's tea cup and pondered for a while. If I go back to tell them about the war, I'll have to go to the Castle to tell the royals first. There, I would meet my so called 'family'. And that's a very bad thing. 

If I don't go, Nox will force its way to the kingdom. Thus breaking the deal. And the consequence of breaking the deal is war between me and Nox. Both Nox and I, knew that war with me means the end of the world.

Either way, it will end badly.

Nox are unable to cross the border because of the deal. If I cut the deal, mean all the people of Nox will come charging into Herensuge. People there will be unprepared, it will be an unfair war. And the people of Nox will destroy every beautiful scenery in Herensuge.

Kind hearted people don't deserve to die. And lovely sceneries don't deserve to be destroyed.

"Fine then. I'll go to Herensuge and tell them about the war. But you can't force me. I go by will, by my own time."

"If it's fine for you, then it's fine for me. But-" I cut hime off.

"If I change my mind, Nox can have the permission to kill me. But leave my family alone."


We stood up and shook our hands. The moment our hand touched, chills came down my spine and my hands are cold. The effect of touching a Nox.

Santiago then dissapeared into thin air. He had teleported back to Nox.

I checked the clock on my nightstand. It's almost dinner time.

I start cleaning the coffee table and changing the couch into my bed again. Then picked up the tray that contains the teacups and plate, and went to the Kitchen.

Drake had been silently listening to the conversation between me and Santiago. I will have to speak to him late, in the woods.

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