Chapter 8: Things Left Unsaid

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     Jo watched as Dean nodded once and started walking towards the back door. He stopped for a moment and glanced over his shoulder, talking softly to her and Sam, "You should get some sleep." Without another word, he disappeared behind the door, leaving Sam and Jo alone in the bar.

     After what seemed like forever, Sam rubbed his eyes tiredly with his hands, groaning softly. With a sad smile, Jo took Sam's glass and poured some whiskey into it. "Here," she said, setting the shot down on the table. "You look like you could use this." Sam looked up at the blonde and returned the smile softly.

     "Thanks, Jo." He took the glass in his hands and stared at it for a moment before throwing back the amber liquid. She watched as he flinched while swallowing, feeling even worse for him. She wondered what it was like to be hurt as badly as him. Obviously, it was painful, but still. She always had a morbid curiosity. All that she remembered of her injuries from Philly were a few lumps and bruises. After seeing the injuries that Sam sustained from wherever he was, Jo couldn't help but wonder how much pain he was in, but more importantly, how he was handling it.

     Sam set the empty shot glass down in the counter and hissed slightly as he stood. Instinctively, Jo rushed around the counter and carefully wrapped her arm around Sam's waist in an attempt to support him. "Easy there," she said as she felt him stumble slightly. "Come on, let's get you upstairs." Sam nodded slowly, without the argument that Jo was expecting. He must have been too tired to argue.

     Jo took a small step towards the door, making sure that her movements weren't hurting Sam even more. After he had given her a small reassuring nod, she continued walking to the door. Once they reached it, she stretched out her arm and pushed it open. She helped Sam up the stairs and into the guestroom where she found Dean already in one of the beds. The soft snores coming from his direction confirmed that he was asleep.

     With a quick glance in Dean's direction, she guided Sam into the other bed and cringed slightly as he groaned in pain. Jo checked over her shoulder to make sure that they had not woken the sleeping hunter. Her breath caught in her throat as Dean's figure stirred. He rolled over on his side, facing them, his eyes still closed. Silently, Jo let out the breath that she had been holding and quietly helped Sam get comfortable. "Thank you, Jo" Sam whispered to her. With a small smile, she nodded at him before walking out of the room and to her own.

     Once she was behind the safety of her bedroom door, Jo leaned against the hard wood with a sigh. The alarm clock on her nightstand read 2:45 a.m. Jo reached up and pulled the pony tail out of her hair and shook her loose waves out over her shoulders. That was when she noticed the purple bruising on her arms. "Damn," her words came out in a hash whisper as she lightly touched one of the purplish marks.

     Slowly, Jo trudged over to her dresser and grabbed a pair of shorts. She quickly changed out of her jeans and flopped onto the bed. Once her body hit the mattress, she instantly regretted it. Pain throbbed through her arms where they made contact with the bed. Carefully, she shifted into a more comfortable position and laid on her back. Jo knew there was no way she was going to get a good night sleep laying on her back (mostly because she slept on her side), so she turned her attention to her ceiling.

     Above her were thousands of cheesy glow in the dark stickers that her father had given her as a birthday present when she was younger. Every night, Jo stared up at those stars and imagined her dad sitting beside her on the bed, telling her stories of the monsters that he would hunt. Tonight was no different. Jo could hear his voice so vividly that it felt as if he was sitting right there beside her. She had been so lost in her imagination that she almost hadn't heard the knock on her door.

     Her brows pulled together in confusion as she carefully climbed out of bed. Jo walked over to the door and opened it, her eyes widening as she saw Dean standing on the other side. "Dean?" she asked in a whisper, not wanting to wake Ellen. "Is everything all right? Does Sam need anything?" Slowly, he shook his head and rubbed the back of his neck.

     "No, uh. Sam's fine. Well, as good as he can be." Dean let out a quiet nervous chuckle as he brought his gaze to meet hers.

     "Oh, okay. Then what's up?" Jo folded her arms across her chest and leaned against the door frame, hissing when the pressure made her bruises hurt.

     "Well, actually, I came to see if you were okay. You know, from earlier? Looks like you got pretty banged up there." She watched as Dean's eyes trailed along her arms, looking at the marks she had acquired earlier from those two hunters. Looking down at the floor, Jo took a small step back from him.

     "Doesn't hurt so bad," Jo couldn't return Dean's gaze. Instead, she opted for staring at the floor. Heat rushed through her body as the silence consumed them. The air was heavy with the words that were left unsaid. Before Jo even had the chance to break the silence, a door opened and Ellen appeared in the hall.

     "Joanna Beth Harvelle," her voice was like a gun firing in the middle of the woods. "You should be in bed." Jo opened her mouth to comeback with the fact that she was old enough to stay up late, but the look on her mother's face, froze the words in her throat. Letting out a silent sigh, Jo raised her eyes to meet Dean's with an apologetic look.

     "Goodnight", was all she said before disappearing back into her room, the door shutting quietly behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2018 ⏰

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