Chapter 2: Squadron

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When Mud and I arrived at the training facility it was like nothing we had ever seen before. State of the art security brought us in from the airport through three sets of security checkpoints and two x-ray scans before we even saw the base. Once through we had to undress and done the flight suits they gave us, and might I add they are fine. They are navy blue with touches of scarlet. Plus they have plenty of room for my tail.
Once we got through that, and the guards were satisfied after taking our luggage we were led to our room where we were to meet our squadmates for the remainder of training and our aviation careers. The guards left us at the door saying "Here is your bunks. You will find the other three groups have already moved in and assembled in the mess hall for lunch. You are to remove your flight suits, hang them in the closet and done the closes laying on your beds. After doing so meet up with your team in the mess hall." And with that he left us to our own devices.
"Can you believe it Will?" Asked Mud, "After all these years we are finally here, and they are starting off on the right foot by feeding us." "Does your stomach never stop talking for you?" I asked. "Shut up, you know your hugry after the plane ride here." He was right I was famished I just didn't show it. "Alright lets get changed." I said. "Yeah so we can go get food." He said. I just sighed and got changed wondering who our squad mates would be.
After ten minutes of walking, and listening to Mud complain about how tight the uniforms where we arried at the mess hall. Everyone else was already seated at tables with squadron names and patches hanging from their tables. There was team Shadow, Hawk, and even Fighting Falcons among doezens of others. Then one in particular caught my eye. A golden patch with a dragon chasing a P-29 Dragon Jet across an open stretch of the Bad Lands. Then listed below it were eight names, but upon further inspection I realized they were not names but callsigns. I turned to tell Mud this who to that time had been right behind me only to find that he was at the front of the food line taking one or more of everything. I rolled my eyes and turned back around only to find an instructor standing right behind me. I jumped and almost came crashing down on top of another cadet. The instructor was a female duck that only came up to about my chest in height. "Are you Aussie?" I replied "Yes mam I'm Aussie." "Good" she said, "your with us, team Dragon. Where is your RIO it says here he goes by Mud?" "Yes mam.." "You can drop the formalities Will I'm your crew trainer you don't have to adress me.with yes mam or no mam every speak." "Yes ma or uh" "its Teal she said my callsign is Teal." "Ok Teal" I said "Mud is chasing his appetite before he meets the team." "I see, well go ahead and get yourself something too you have a long day ahead of you." I thanked her and walked to the food line.
After I got my food and explained to Mud that he can't have everything they cooked there has to be some for someone else we sat down with team Dragon. Once seated Mud vacuumed down all of his food, and most of mime while i observed the team. There was a Hyena who looked to be about my height arguing with a Fox and a Raccoon about jet propulsion. As well as a Polar bear arm wrestling a female wolf who was kicking his butt I might add. They all turned to look at us. The bear talked first with a strong Canadian accent. "You two must be Aussie and Mud eh? I'm Frostbite and this here is my RIO Bandit," he said pointing to the Coon. Next the Fox introduced himself. "Hello my name is Black but you can call me Jax, and this is my RIO Fang." "Hey" said the Hyena known as Fang. That left the wolf she sneered and shook my hand saying "The names Cobalt, and if you hit on me you won't like the consequences." Where is your RIO?" I asked. "Oh Apex he is in the garage working on our jets. He is the best mechanic you'll ever meet." "The why is his callsign Apex?" "Its because he is a lion." She said. After the introductions we sat and talked as a team. Frostbite seems nice but he has no clue what he is doing on anything technical with the planes Bandit does all of that for him. Cobalt seems like a nice enough person once you get to know her better, and Fang and Jax hit it off big with Mud instantly starting a conversation about the weapons systems we would be using. I excused myself and made my way to the hangar to meet Apex and help him with the jets.
After 25 minutes of wondering around the main building I found the hangars. They where even nicer than the rest of the place. Underground runways, holographic diagnostics for the planes, and entire walls of weaponrey. I found a sign that pointed to the Dragons and made my way down to them. I turned the corner and there he was Apex turning to come back the other way. We butted heads and fell to the ground. "Ow" I said getting up rubbing my head. "Not the best way to be introduced to someone" he said. "I'm Aussie" I said offering him my hand. "Apex, and do you know anything about propulsion?" "Yeah why?" "I need your help with the main engine on plane 4 it's malfunctioning." "Ok" I said. "Lets get to work." With that we got to work on the engine completely losing track of time.

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