∆ Clock Strikes SEVEN

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∆ Clock Strikes SEVEN

'What the hell was wrong with me? Why did I snap like that?' Koyuki groaned inwardly and clenched her blanket. She was sitting on her bed, clutching her blanket, and anyone would know that she was sad.

'What happened? You look like someone coming from the morgue.' Kou spoke. He was lying down on his bed, checking his phone when she had come in.

'Nothing.' She muttered and her shoulders sagged.

Kou raised a brow. 'Wow, I believed that, nice. Nothing happened, eh?' he chuckled then after receiving no response from her, he clicked his tongue. 'I'm a good listener, you know.'

'Vampires or demons are resistant to humans' disease, right?' she looked at him.

Kou nodded hesitantly. 'Yes, but how did you know that?'

Koyuki frowned. 'It's common sense—I don't think I've ever heard of a vampire with lung cancer or anything of that sort.'

Kou rolled his eyes. 'Fine, you have a point.'

'Despite knowing that, how could you ask me if I'm really a human?' she queried.

'Just asking,' Kou shrugged. 'Why did you get so mad?'

'Because if I'm really not a human, then I have a hope, right?' she answered. 'If maybe I'm a vampire or a demon or worse, a phantom, then I don't have to worry about dying of a heart disease, right?'

Kou avoided her eyes. Just how much does she want to live?


Location: Achira no Sekai [The Underworld]

'Leonardo-sama, what were you thinking, sending a Phantom to the Human World?'

The blonde smirked. 'Just trying to confirm my curiosity. Say, Cyril...'


'Am I really that powerful?'

'You are.'

He grinned. 'Of course I am—I destroyed the White Dragon after all... Now, I think it's time I go visit the Human World.'


'Come back.'

Koyuki woke up with a start. She was sweating a lot but she knew it was supposed to be cold—maybe the heater... she rubbed her eyes and tried to sit up. She couldn't remember what kind of dream she had but she was sure it was connected to the voice.

What does it mean by "come back" anyway? A human can't actually enter The Underworld, if her common sense is still common, so why would she "come back" or some sort? She looked outside the window and guessed it must be dawn. Kou was sleeping soundly, back-facing her.

Ruffling her own hair, she lied back down, thinking of the happiness she should be experiencing because she'd be going back home in a few hours. But then she gave it a second thought.

What good would it bring her if she were to come home? There wasn't anyone at home waiting for her, why was she excited trying to get home as fast as she could?

Stupid, she told herself and closed her eyes, ready to drift to sleep. A knock came on the door. Koyuki stiffened and sat up real slow. The knocking came again and she flinched. As if on cue, the doorknob was twisted from the outside.

She knew it best than to peek so she covered her face with her blanket and stayed silent. The door creaked slightly. 'Eh... why is she sleeping?' an unfamiliar voice spoke. Something screeched inside her head and Koyuki winced.

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