Voicemails and Dial Tones

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Voice mails and dial tones
They rip me apart
From beeps to lost voices
Spread through the dark
I take what I receive
But this is not the way we end
From beeps to lost voices
I want a new start

Spending days in the summer
Caught up in Polaroid moments
I forgot how you laughed with me
Dreamt with me
Made me believe
That we controlled
The glare in the sun
The shine of the moon
I want to reach out to you
Cause you're all I have
But I'm a lost memory
Caught in the past

For days and years I believed
(I believed)
That most times we were the world
Everything was faded and we were hue
(Contrasted too)
I needed you, but you left me there
Standing alone with a hope and a glare

I spent my time thinking about us
From long drawn out phone lines to caller ID waiting to be seen
I decided to let go, find a place of my own
In this world, that was in my mind for for two
But in reality held more than I could chew

I wanted, no needed, you there by my side
For facing this world was a new time of mine
A fear I discovered, a phobia too
I need you, but you needed space
If the empty messages and read replies weren't enough
You found a new lover, like it wasn't tough
Was everything a dream? It couldn't have been real
For I can't move on, but for you it's no big deal

I feel like a fool, a joker on display
Since I loved you, and for you it was a play
My longing desire is for you to come back
But you have her now, and I'm in the past
I'll never hear you pick up the phone as I do wished you would
For all I'm going to get are
Voicemails and dial tones

But one day you did pick up
How jolly indeed
For this was new, and I gleamed.
But your voice said
"We are done"
It made me realize
From beeps to lost voices
In the darkness of my room
I was the past, she was the future
I was the mistake that led you to the right lady
And I was the helpless girl that felt her heart skip a beat when the hang up tone was heard.

I would have to face this world, move on forever.
Yet I seemed to love you like you left never.
I hated that phone, it was in the trash
I knew I was in the past
But for some reason I believed
That I could overcome
And achieve
This newfound hope took some time to discover
But when found I was unstoppable
And no one could uncover

For I will never be that lonely girl again
Who sat near her phone
Staring longingly like it would magically show your contact picture
I was now the girl that moved on and found someone new
I wish to meet you again my dear
Maybe within a year
For my wedding date is approaching
And I would like you to attend
My invitation is here
The date, the man, all new
Please come my old lover
Be a hue in my new found world of color

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