Adopted by the Akatsuki 43

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yeah, i haven't uploaded in over a month, sorry. too many problems and things so i couldn't really write something funny, i'm hoping the worst part is over and i can write something funny and random and non-depressing, if it does turn out depressing, i am so sorry.

Hidan got away from the chupacabra. Thats so sawd! I wanted him to die! The univers is a bit fat meanine! Mean! Mean meanie universe!

Stupid chicken-hating fangirl-killing weasel blew up our plane so now we're stranded on some island. Lukiliy I had my swimsuit packed so I could swim. It was fun to swim. I was faster than the little scary fishies that wanted to eat my toes! Yay! I get to kee my toesies! Yay!

So anyways, i'm swimming around in the water, having fun, lalalalalalala and then this HUGE whale shows up! Well what did I do? I grabbed onto its fin!

"Take me to Atlantis Whaloey!" I yelled through my giggles as the whale took off.

"Bye bye sharkie!" I yelled to Kisame as we blew past him.

Hidan wanted to have some fun with the mermaids-not fun fun, scary fun-so he followed me and Whaoley. Whaoley smacked him with its tail.

Hidan must have drank some Red Bull before this because he went flying. Was the sun making me see things or did Hidan sprout wings?

Pein lost his mind complety and built some kind of a shrine or something. A bunch of Mermaids showed up to attack him for destroying all thier beautiful sand castles. The sand crabs came after him as well.

I wet, tired, and cold. I climbed of Whaley and built myself my sand castle. Would I find Sandy Claws in here? I started looking for him. No sandy claws. Sadness.

Madara transported us all book to the base.

Yay! Blankie! i snuggled into my blankies furry softness. Then I fell off he bad.

"Owie! Thats mean Blankie! Why did you push me off the bed? Meanie!" I curled up with my stuffed animals. They weren't evil like Blankie was. Hm....Blankie kept going evil, then good, then evil, then good......*gasp* Blankie isn't evil! Blankie is bi-polar! That means Kabuto can fix Blankie! I wavered for a momet. Did I really trust Kabuto enough to fix Blankie?

Aha! Mommy Konan could fix Blankie! I rand to find Mommy.

"Can you fix Blankie? Please?"

Konan picked me up and tickled me. I giggld. "Go play, i'll fix Blankie."

"Okie doki!" I ran to find baby. We played around. Baby was so cute!

Konan took me to the zoo! We went to the place with all monkeys.

The chimpanzes threw me around. The Gorilla wanted to adopt me but Mommy Konan wouldn't let her. I was going to miss my Monkey Mommy. Konan took me too a park instead. I found a really cute poodle. Mommy let me keep it.

I took Poodle home. Poodle really liked the taste of Itachi's face. You could pull Poodle of his face a million times, but Poodle would just go after Itachi's face again later.

Kisame was convinced that Poodle was racist because it wouldn't go near him, Zetsu, Orochimaru, or Kakuzu. How was I supposed to know that Poodle was racisist?

Itachi ran away and joined a rock band. Oh wow, he really was the Emo King. Pein didn't beleive it at all until he saw Itachi in concert. Orochimaru became the biggest fan, and Deidera became thier biggest fangirl. Itachi was actually a good singer. The concerts were fun, well, until that one concert in May when Sasuke found out and tried to kill Itachi on stage. The first Itachi And Sasuki Fangirl War broke out the next day. The second Fan girl world war broke out at Itachi's next concet. The concert after that all the Sasuke Fangirls were desperatly seeking Sasuke, while the Emo Kings's fangirls just smiled. Sakura lead the search for Sasuke but not even she-or Ino Pig-could find him.

Itachi got drunk that same day. I don't want to know what happened.

Kisame got drunk and the next day Samehada was accused of very scary things on the news.

Zetsu broke up with his vinebush three days later.

Things were not going well here.

Don't ask me how it happened i dunno, but one of Orochimaru's creepy experiments broke out of its restraints during 'an operation' and now it was haunting him. The thing had the power to turn invisible. For once, being the weakest and more defensless one of the group came in handy. It came after me once, then if never came after me again. I could tell when it was in the room, we'd all learned how to spot it, but not how to stop it. I was to small and weak for it to actually care what I did so it left me alone.

Hidan walkd aroun boasting that he was going to be the one to kill the thing.

Thing-whatever it was-freed some of the other experiments that Orochimaru had in his lair. They left everyone alone, but not Orochimaru. They didn't even go for Kabuto. It was weird.

A mermaid slapped the hell out of Hidan with its tail because he got too close to her tank.

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