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Instead, there was a long empty hall way, which lead to two ways, right, and left.

Out of the left we saw Ava Paige, and behind her was Brenda.
Then came Frypan.
Then Teresa.

They all looked at us in shock.
Thomas and Newt ran up to them, and ask how they were, while Ava Paige stood aside.

I stayed where I was.

Teresa gave me a look of sorrow, but I couldn't forgive her. I probably never will...

Then out of the left turn, came Minho to join the others.

My eyes sprung up like a child on christmas, and I ran towards him, and he did to me, I jumped into his arms, and he spun me around. Or he just almost fell and tried to play it off. Probably the second.

He put me back onto the ground, and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, stood on my tippy toes to achieve that, and put my head on his shoulder.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"Trapped" I answered.

He squeezed me tighter in the hug.

I glanced over at Teresa, who had a jealous-sad-why-isn't-that-me-instead-of-him look.

"Now that all of you are here" Ava started to say, and I pulled myself off Minho, "You all have a chance to earn your memories back"

"Our what?" Asked Newt.

Who would want their memories after all the crappy things that happened to us.
Frypan looked pissed. Like he was seeing the world go down to waste.

"I my memory back! Im tired of hearing about the 'Glade', whatever that place is! I want an explanation!" He exclaimed.

"Fry—" I said

"Stop calling me that!"

I walked over to Ava Paige, and in rage asked her what she had done.

"Wiled his memory as you can see. It was a test Melissa, there's nothing to worry about" she answered.

"You're calling this nothing?!" I exclaimed.

Newt gently pulled me away, because he knew how frustrated I could get.

"So who's in?" Asked Ava.

I glanced over at Newt and Thomas, hoping they wouldn't say yes.

"I am" spoke Aris

Why is he so stupid?! They could implant something else in out brains while they're at it!

"So am I" said Teresa

"Teresa, you never lost your memory" I stated

"I remember only bits and pieces. I want to remember everything"

Frypan, Aris, and Teresa were by Ava Paiges side now, and she looked at Minho, who had a constipated look on his face.

He went from happy-to-see-you-are-alive to shuck-what-have-i-done.

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