the Party

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I walk up to the giant house on Marzeti Boulevard, only to find the most typical party scene ever; teens throwing up in the yard, flashing lights that probably have a seizure warning on the packaging, and music that was practically shaking the whole house.

I can't believe you let Mom talk you into this! I scream at myself in my head. That's right, my parents talked my into coming to this because it was the only "proper" high school party I've been invited to, but I was seriously thinking about getting back in my car and driving to the library.

Finally, I work up the nerve to walk up to the front door and shuffle in without knocking, because nobody would have heard the knock over the music anyway.

I plant myself in the first inconspicuous corner I find and pull out my phone. Spotify, what would I do without you! I find Here by Alessia Cara and put my earbuds at full volume. I sink myself into the ironically true lyrics, closing my eyes and savoring my clever choice of music.I have no idea how long I sat there, 'cause it felt like a long time, but when someone tapped me on the shoulder, my song still wasn't over. My eyes flew open, only to met with the almost worried stare of a boy.

"Ummm... hey." He says, hand retreating from my shoulder.

"Do you need something?" I say as snarkily as I can muster.

"Oh... umm... it's just... I'm new in town and my friend said I should come to this party, but I'm not one for partying. When you weren't joining in on this craziness, I thought you might be a cool person to talk to. Sorry, if I disturbed you." He replied uncomfortably.

I'll admit it. I felt bad for him. He was as uncomfortable here as I was. I sighed, "No, it's fine, I'm just a little uptight here."

"Yeah, I get it."

"Well, you want to get out of here."

"Sure!" His face lights up at the prospect.

We exit the house as quietly as possible, creep across the lawn, towards my car.

I take the wheel, plug my phone into the radio, setting up Spotify to play my playlist of Digital Daggers songs as he hops in shotgun, then ask him "Where do you want to go?"

"How about a random park."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were flirting with me." I say. Spotify cleverly chooses that moment to play State of Seduction. I blush a smile, quickly skipping the song.

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