the Park

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When we arrived at the park,we hopped out and unspokenly decided to sit on the swings. We swung there for a while, until he said, "You really like music." Not a question, just stating what he knew. What he didn't know was that music was something extremely personal to me, not even my parents ever asked me about my music. It was my little world, nobody ever entered. So when he said that, I didn't know what to respond with. All I could do was nod.

"Do you like Against the Current?" He begins to question.

"I've never heard of them." I reply honestly.

"They're so good. You should check them out."


"My favorite song of theirs is I wanna get better."


"What's your's?"


"Sorry, is music too personal?"

"Yeah, kind of..."


"S'all good." I say half smiling.

"We should probably head home."

"You want me to drive you back to the party to get your car?"

"Naw. That's my friend's house, he'll take care of it, 'cause if he doesn't, I'll sock him and he knows it too."

I take a glance at him and notice that he's actually rather buff, which I wouldn't have guessed based on his shy demeanor.

We trudge back to the car, hop in, and I zoom off, following his directions to house. When we arrive, he asks for a pen and a piece of paper. When he finishes jotting something on my lunch receipt, he hands it to me.

"This is the name of that song I like, and my number. Call me. We'll chat about the song."

I stare at the thing in my hand, cautiously replying with "Uh, yeah, sure."

"Awesome. Bye." He steps out of the car giving a little wave, "Wait, what's your name?"

"Oh, I'm Emiris."

"Cool, I'm Jaden. Goodnight, Emiris."

"Goodnight, Jaden."

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