Chapter 1

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I stood facing the Thing. It glared at me with hateful eyes. I did, after all, just outsmart its game. "Honor the contract. I got all of them out as well as myself." I stated casually. Many loops ago I wouldn't even consider standing up to the Thing. That was at the very beginning of this life in Hell. The very first loop. I lost track of how long I have been in here, playing cat and mouse with the devil. I know that I was trapped in the time warp for over a century, but for all I know it could have been a millennium or more.
It growled. But we have claimed you, Little Devil. The moment you turned back time you handed yourself over to us.
I shook my head. A grin crossed my face. "Name calling, so scary." It hissed at me. I didn't apologize but I'd sooner not tempt it too much. I don't think that it will break the oath of peace, but I didn't want to find out. "No. The moment I turned back time was when I sealed my contract. And that stated if only you managed to catch me I will stay forever, not if I gave myself up like I did a few times before. There is a difference." It chuckled.
I will honor your contract, Little Devil. You have outsmarted me yet again. I will let you walk out alive, but be warned, if I ever see you at any of my domains with anyone but yourself you will have to make a different contract. It bowed its head. I respectfully did the same thing.
"Thank you, Creature of the Dark. I will try avoid those areas when I am with my friends and family. But if I am alone...I might stop by for a visit. Or not. It really depends if I can cope with not living inside of your mansion." I shrugged. It nodded in understanding.
You are always welcome, Little Devil. You are a part of our clan. Visit when you are ready.
It placed one clawed finger on my forehead and everything when black.

__________Ve~ Pasta_________

I woke up in the Wold Meeting Room. Again. Had the Thing lied to me? If so, I was going to march right back to that Hell house to give that Thing a piece of my mind. I jumped when a hand came down on my shoulder. "Italy, it's your turn to present. And it better not be about pasta again!!!!" My boyfriend's voice echoed around the room. I almost cried. I haven't heard his voice so full of life for a long time. I quickly looked through my bag that was sitting at my feet. Even if I wasn't going back, I still was going to have to act. I noticed my journal laying next to the flash drive. My heart leaped into my throat. If anyone read the contents of that little red journal....well, let's just say that I will have lots of explaining to do.
"Yo dude, we don't have all day!" America shouted. Canada shot him a tiny glare for yelling in his ear. Sadly, he wasn't noticed. Which was odd. He was noticed more....oh. I blinked. They don't remember. They forgot that they treated each other as friends instead of just enemies and allies. Though that made me very sad, I guess not remembering was the best route. They didn't need those painful memories.
I hated acting like a idiot. I had hidden my true self when Holy Rome died. These nations never knew that the one that they call pathetic, useless, and weak was a hell of a lot stronger than they gave credit for. But, they don't remember the true me. The one that could argue (or fight, which ever comes first) with a demon and come out on top. (By the way, the demon's name is Luciano. He's annoying.) I could fight till my last breath if needed, and am also a Mafia boss along side my fratello. I am not a Hetalia, as Japan would so often call me. Nor a coward. I am done acting, but if they don't remember then I have no choice. Now I must hide again. Grr.
I grabbed my flash drive and plugged it into the computer. I quickly scrolled through my power points. Most of them were about pasta.
'Really Feli? Is that all your brain is made out of? I know that you are smarter than that.' Luciano sneered. I mentally sighed. Why did he have to chime in now?
'Shut. Up.' I said. I clicked on the stupidest PowerPoint that I could find. And of course Germany's reaction was priceless.
" Italy!!! How many times have I told you not to use that PowerPoint?!?!" Germany yelled. Everyone was laughing. I was trying to keep my face from breaking into a big grin. I decided to stick to my original actions.
" Ve~ Ima sorry Germany! Wah, I won't do it again!" I 'cried'. Germany gave me an exasperated sigh. I took that as a I am so done with you right now sigh.
" What has gotten into you today Italy? You are more hyper than usual." Germany muttered as I unplugged my flash drive and quietly slide back into my seat. He shrugged it off. I guess he was used to my hyperness. The rest of the meeting went smoothly.
'Well, that's a huge understatement. More like a chaotic preschool fight. With adults.' Luciano chimed in. I stifled a chuckle. In my whole time in that cursed mansion Luci was the only one that kept his memories. The darker version of me was my only confidante. I know I'm crazy when I say that he is one of my closest friends. Even a psycho murder has a heart. 'I am not a psycho murder!' He protested. I was now trying not laugh out loud. I failed. Germany and I were heading home when Luci decided to protest. My boyfriend shot me a look out of the corner of his eye.
             "What's so funny Italy?" He asked. I slipped my tiny hand into his. I missed being able to do that. I heard Luciano mutter about how lazy his German was. 'Jealous Luci?' I thought. He flipped me off. Yup, definitely jealous.
"Ve nothing Germany." I answered. He sighed. We continued on our way home.

________Ve~ Pasta________

We were silent for most of the way home. As soon as Germany unlocked the door to our shared house, I announced that I was going to bed. He looked at the clock and frowned. "Italy it's only six o'clock! Are you feeling all right?" He put his big hand up to my forehead. I swatted it away.
"Ve, I'm fine! Just tired." I protested. I heard Luci laugh in the back of my mind. 'Shut up Luci or I will find a way to come through that mirror and make you!' I growl. My dark counterpart smirked.
'I'll like to see you try Feli. I'll also be waiting, trusty knife in hand.'
'Shut up and good night.' I retorted. With one last laugh he disconnected from my mind. My head started to feel dizzy and I had just enough time to give Germany a quick kiss before my knees buckled and my vision went black.

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