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"This is Kim Hana." Hoseok introduced.

"Hi." I typed worried the boy would think I'm weird.

The boy was tall. He was wearing a gray shirt and skinny jeans, like Hoseok's. The boy had blonde hair and a black beanie.

His face grew into a big smile showing his dimples, they were like Hoseok's but this boy is definitely bigger and award winning.

"Beautiful name!" He chirped.

"Thanks." I smile. He was nice

"I'm Namjoon, Kim Namjoon. You can just call me Joon or Namjoon or anything you want. " He added holding out his hand.

I rolled my eyes playfully as I shook his large hand.

"Nice to meet you, Namjoon." I type.

"And you Hana." Namjoon grinned.

"Nice top." He added.

I smile and nodded.

Namjoon looked a little confused why I nodded.

"She is saying thanks'," Hoseok told him

"Oh okay!" He chuckled "Sorry I've never met someone who doesn't talk."

"It's fine." I say looking down at the ground.

"It's not bad thing. It's just different." Namjoon quickly added noticing my face dropped.

I nodded in acknowledgement.

"Sorry i didn't mean to upset you.." Namjoon said sounding truly sad.

"No it's okay." I type looking up again.

A smile appeared on his face causing me to smile. Namjoon then pulled a funny face making me instantly burst out laughing

"Your laugh is adorable." He chuckled.

"That's what I said!" Hoseok chuckled.

They both high five each other.

"You guys are dorks." I smirk.

"Hey!" They both whine.

Namjoon was about to speak when the bell rang extremely loud causing me to scream.

"Geez." I type

They both laughed.

"Why is it so loud?" I ask.

"Because you're standing right next to it." Hoseok pointed out.

I turned to see the bell right above me.

My mouth formed an 'O' shape

"So what does the bell means?" I ask feeling a little stupid.

"That was for the next lesson." Namjoon told me.

I nodded "So where is everyone?"

Just then swarms of kids appeared shocking me. The halls instantly filled making me feel squished, just to scare me even more someone grabbed my wrist dragging me through the crowd.

Soon we entered a half empty class and I finally had chance to see who had me by wrist; Hoseok.

"Sorry." He blushed letting go of my hand.

"It's fine." I type smiling up at him.

"I've never known someone who gets scared by kids." Namjoon chuckled.

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