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The Next Day....

Adrien hopped onto his computer. "Happy Birthday, Marinette!" Today, Marinette was turning sixteen today. He was going to give her a birthday present she's been waiting for all of her life.

Meanwhile In Marinette's House.....

"Happy Birthday, Marinette!" Tikki hugged Marinette's cheek and Tikki  breathed on her. Marinette happily ate a cookie. "Thank you, Tikki!"

"I wonder if Chat knows that today is my birthday." Marinette sighed as she sat in her swivel chair. Marinette then went onto the Ladyblog website to see Alya streaming.

"Chat is out and about, but wait, where's he going if there's no Akuma attack?" Alya asked confused on the live stream. "Wait, is he going to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery?" Alya turned the camera to see Chat leaping through the window.

Suddenly, Chat crashed into Marinette as the computer flashed off. Chat slowly opened his eyes to see himself on top of Marinette. They both blushed at each other, before Chat got off.

"Well, my my, M'Lady. That was definitely a crash landing there, alright." Chat smiled at Marinette making Marinette blush bright red. "Y-Yeah...." Marinette then put a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, get comfy."

"Oh okay." Chat sat down on Marinette and yawned. Chat turned his head and giggled a little bit. "Your tired already, pffff, M'Lady?"

"What! N-No... D-Definitely not!" Marinette rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. Chat smiled and got in bed with her. He then pulled the covers over their chests.

"Well, Marinette, Happy sixteenth birthday." Chat sweetly smiled. Marinette smiled also. "Why, thank you." Chat then kissed her hand softly, making her blush.

"I-I-I have a birthday g-gift for y-you too." Chat nodded his teeth sliding side to side as his palms started to sweat. Marinette looked at Chat worried. "Er- Is- Something wrong?"

"N-No.. It's just I'm nervous to do this." Chat admitted as Marinette then wrapped one of her hands around him. "Chat, be calm. And believe in yourself." Chat then seemed to calm down and let out a big sigh. "Okay."

Chat then smiled, showing his vampire teeth. Chat wasn't scared. He leaned in and their lips met. Chat quickly grabbed her cheeks, and let himself take over. Marinette agreed as Chat then slipped his tongue into Marinette's parted lips. Marinette wasn't that surprised he would do that to her. Vampires can be quite agreste-ive.

Chat then looked at his lady. "Are you doing alright?" Marinette then nodded. "You can do this as long as you want." Chat then pulled away. "Hey, I don't want this to be a pain to you. If your not enjoying it, I won't do it."

"That's fine." Chat nodded. "But, didn't you enjoy my gift I gave to you?" Marinette nodded. "Definitely. It felt good for my lips to finally meet yours." Chat blushed then pecked Marinette on the cheek as Marinette blushed again.

"Now, do you want me to share my gift with you, M'Lady?"

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