chapter 15

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Finally, Benny said, "When does your old man get home from work?"

"He's gone on business. Out of town. Could be back any time," Smalls said, talking quickly in a panicked tone.

"Alright, find out when. And guys, spread out and look for bottles and cash them in. We need 98 cents. We gotta buy us a ball," Benny told us all, and we nodded. He was great at calming everyone down.

I watched absentmindedly as everyone spread out, and I walked slowly out of the baseball field to search for bottles.

"Hey," I heard a quiet voice mutter from behind me.

I turned around and smiled when Yeah-yeah's icy blue eyes were gazing at me.

"Hey," I said as he fell into step with me.

We were silent for a moment, but I didn't mind. It was a comfortable silence. The type of silence that makes you feel cozy and warm and complete.

But eventually, he broke it.

"On a scale of 1-10 how rude did you think we were the first day you met us?" He asked, and when I glanced up at him, he had an amused look on his face.

"At least 100," I said with a laugh.

"Yeah, you did seem pretty sassy," he said with a smile.

"I think feisty was actually the word you used."

He gave a small laugh again, "Oh yeah," he said, giving a small nod as I grinned up at him.

"Hey, so me and the guys were gonna have another campout this Friday, and I wondered if you wanted to come," he said with a smile, "if your mom will let you, I mean. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble."

"I'm sure she wouldn't let me in a million years," I said with a laugh.

"Oh," he muttered disappointedly, and I looked in those gorgeous eyes.

They must have some kind of hold on me, because despite what a bad idea it was, I heard myself say, "But I'll be there."

He looked over at me and I gave a small smirk.

"Are you positive that's a good idea?" He asked me with a frown, "because I'm not so sure it is."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah-yeah, as precious as you being worried about me is, I don't need it. Anyways, what's she gonna do? Send me off or something?" I said with a laugh.

He laughed as well, but there was something deep in his eyes that worried me. I began to open my mouth to ask about it but before I got the chance, we were interrupted.

"Hey, guys, we got enough, let's go cash them," I looked up to see Benny with an angry look on his face as he kept his eyes on Yeah-yeah.

I decided to brush it off and we met up with the rest of the guys to cash in the bottles. They stayed in the store while Yeah-yeah and I walked ahead to Vincent's.

As we glanced in through the welcoming glass doors, the guys weren't here yet.

We sat on the bench outside.

"Man, Alan, I guess you're a ladies man, aye?" I heard a girls voice say, and looked up to see a blonde girl who looked a lot like Yeah-yeah. She was wearing light blue shorts with a white t shirt and sneakers. She was incredibly pretty and walked with confidence.

"Shut up, Ally, and don't call me that," Yeah-yeah rolled his eyes at her.

She only began laughing and stuck her hand out towards me.

"Hey, I'm Ally, and I'm his sister, unfortunately," she joked and I began laughing.

"I'm Adeline," I said, shaking her hand.

"I was just about to head over to the diner, you wanna come with?" She asked, pointing behind her back to the small diner.

"Sure," I shrugged, then looked at Yeah-yeah.

"Hey, I'll meet you guys at the sandlot in a little while," I said with a smile.

He shrugged and smiled back, then got up to walk where the other guys were finally arriving.

I walked beside Ally, and I wondered why she never really came to the Sandlot. I thought she seemed nice enough.

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