Chapter Eight: Anxiety

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'Run. Just keep running.' Those were the words running through his mind in a never ending mantra. Jeff's chest and legs were beginning to hurt from the exertion, but he grit his teeth and continued. Running was something he'd done all his life after all.

"Where will you go?" His brother's voice hissed, taunting. "You've run away from the only place you belong haven't you?"

"Shut up!" He yelled. His legs were slowing, as if weighted down by lead.

"This is pathetic," Liu commented, "you can't run forever. Who do you think will catch you first hmm? Slenderman? Or maybe Zalgo? Which is it?" His legs gave out, and Jeff hit the ground hard. His breath escaped him in ragged pants, his vision slightly blurry. 'Typical. You gave in. Again."

"Just shut up!" He yelled again, his vision focused, and he spotted a younger boy crouched before him. He knew them, even with the wound on his stomach and the mutilation on his cheeks.

"You just can't help yourself can you," Liu said almost sadly, "you have to stop hurting everyone like this." Jeff shut him eyes, putting his head down in the dirt. The cool earth helped ground him, but it did nothing against the voices still raging in his head. "Get up."

"Don't tell me what to do," he murmured. Yet he pushed himself to his hands and knees, shakily getting to his feet. His head was throbbing, pain a persistent problem.

"Well well, looks like I found you my little killer." He looked up, eyes widening. Zalgo stood before him, grin wide and crazed. "I had to scour this whole forest for you," the demon said, stepping towards him. Jeff stumbled back. "How convenient that you'd be away from your protectors. That cannibal of yours is simply a nightmare. I do hope I didn't catch anything from the little beast." Jeff growled.

"Run," Liu whispered in his ear. He shook off the hallucination of his brother, eying the demon steadily. He reached into the pocket of his hoodie, fingers fumbling for the pill bottle.

"You aren't real," he said. Zalgo's grin slipped away and the demon cocked his head. "You're just in my head."

"Am I now?" The demon asked.

"What can you trust?" Liu's voice was urgent, pressing against his mind. Jeff took a step back from Zalgo, grabbing the pill bottle in his hand.

'Everything's fine,' he thought. He popped the pill in his mouth, swallowing as he squeezed his eyes shut. The voices became less insistent, quieting as the medicine took rapid effect on his body. He released a deep breath, opening his eyes. Zalgo was gone. 'Thank fuck,' he thought, putting the bottle back into his pocket.

"You really are an idiot." He whipped around, Zalgo's grinning form behind him. "Did you honestly think it'd be so simple?"

"Fuck you," Jeff hissed, ready to fight. Zalgo laughed, eyes flashing. Familiar pressure slammed against his skull, sending the teen to his knees.

"It's time to come back to where you belong," Zalgo said, walking closer to him. Jeff pressed his hands against his temples, trying to mentally fight against Zalgo's energy.

Then a voice echoed from the trees.

"Let him go and back away," they said. The pressure lessened and faded, Zalgo's attention focused elsewhere. Jeff looked up, eyes locked on the familiar form.

"Who the fuck are you?" The demon asked. The  other smirked, looking amused.

"Wouldn't you like to know."


Jack paused, attention turning towards the door. Ben frowned, tilting his head. "Dude," he said, "your move." Jack didn't respond, black eye-sockets locked on the door. "Slenderman is keeping an eye out to make sure he's fine. He'll come back."

"He's outside," Jack said, "but someone's with him." Everyone froze, staring at the cannibal. He sniffed lightly, tilting his head. "I don't recognize the scent."

"Get the door Toby," Hoodie ordered, drawing his gun. Masky ran to the kitchen for Slenderman as the proxy did as asked. Hoodie clicked his safety off, aiming at the person standing outside as Toby wrenched the door open. Jeff was leaning on them precariously, looking half dazed and half anxious. The person with him stared at Hoodie's gun without surprise.

"Shoot me and he's coming with me," the teen male said, "mainly cause I'm the reason he's standing." Jack approached them, his entire presence screaming for the unknown male to pick a fight with him. Jeff pulled away gratefully, leaning against Jack as the cannibal wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Wait-" the other protested. Jack cut him off, baring his teeth and leading Jeff to his room. The male sighed. "Well at least he's got someone. Even if they that."

"The fuck you talking about?" Hoodie asked, relaxing a bit. Yet his hand was still aiming the gun, and Ben knew he could kill in a second should he have to.

"Jeff," the other said, "it's nice that he's got someone. Nothing ever panned out when we were younger." Something clicked in Ben's head and he huffed.

"Uh excuse me," he said, glaring, "Jack's mine. They're just friends." He spotted Masky returning, Slenderman close behind. He pointed to the being. "That one's his." Slenderman tilted his head, seemingly confused.

"It appears I came at the wrong time for this conversation," the being said, "Might I ask who you are?" The other shifted, putting his hands in his jean pockets.

"My name's Liu," he said.

"You're Jeff's brother," Slenderman said with a hint of surprise, "he's mentioned you."

"Has he now," Liu said simply. Hoodie lowered the gun a bit.

"So the stitches on your face are...from..."

"Yeah," Liu said, one hand touching the stitches holding his cheek together, "these are from Jeff." He pulled up his shirt and jacket, showing the deep scar on his belly. "As is this."

"Why are you here anyway?" Ben asked. Liu looked away, green eyes flooding with emotion.

"Well," he said, "I came to find Jeff. We didn't exactly leave one another on good terms, and part of my mind still wants revenge I suppose."

"You're hunting your brother," Hoodie said, raising his gun again, "he's your fucking family!" Masky placed a hand on Hoodie's arm.

"Not here," he murmured. Hoodie looked at the other before lowering his weapon. Masky took his hand gently.

"Joke's on you," Ben said, letting himself hover a bit as he leaned back. Liu stared at him. "Your brother's one of us now. You can't kill him, no matter how much you want to." Liu looked at the floor, foot scuffing at the wooden surface.

"I don't want to," he said, "not anymore. I might have hunted him here, but if I hadn't he'd be dead." Liu gave a sad smile. "No matter how angry I get at him, just seeing his face reminds me that he's my little brother." There was silence for a while before Liu looked up. "If like to go talk to him if that's alright."

"Jack's not gonna be happy," Ben commented. Nobody else gave a protest, so Liu wandered off towards where Jack had gone with Jeff.

"One thing before you go," Slenderman said. Liu turned back, green eyes full of confusion. "You're welcome to stay, should you choose to."

"I'll keep that in mind," Liu said before scampering off.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Hoodie asked, "he might be Jeff'e brother but still."

"He's not exactly human anymore," Slenderman said, "whether or not he realizes it, he's one of us."

"Really?" Toby chirped, eyes wide behind his goggles. Slenderman nodded.

"Whatever happened during Jeff's initial attack changed him." The being crossed his arms, looking at where Liu had gone. "At the moment, he's a good ally to have. And somehow...I don't think we've seen the full extent of his strength quite yet."

Why won't you save me? (Book 2 of the Misguided Killer Series)Where stories live. Discover now