Chapter Ten: Unmedicated

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"Jack would you knock it off!" The cannibal ducked away from Jeff's swing, frowning at him. Jeff growled. 'He's been following me around for the past two days like a sick puppy.' Even now the cannibal was staring at him with a half-wounded gaze and it irritated the killer to no end. He pulled on his new hoodie that Slenderman had obtained from who knew where and trudged to his room. He sighed.

He saw the looks the others have him. Saw how Hoodie tensed whenever he moved. Saw the glare Ben gave him whenever he went near Jack. He hated it.

'Funny how I used to worry I was too human,' he thought, 'and now I'm worried that they all see me as a monster.' He clambered from his bedroom window, making his way on to the roof. It was about to start raining, but the killer simply laid down and shut his eyes.

It started raining shortly after he laid down. The killer took a slow breath before relaxing, letting the water chill his skin. It soaked his hair and clothes, plastering them to his flesh. Someone appeared beside him, but he left his eyes shut.

"You shouldn't lay out here too long," Slenderman commented. Jeff gave a hum to show the being he heard him. A soft sound signaled Slenderman sitting beside him, a gentle hand laying atop his thigh. He cracked open an eye, peering at the being. Slenderman looked calm, blank face turned up towards the sky. Jeff opened his eyes, rolling onto his side. The being retracted his hand, looking down at him.

"When do you think Zalgo will come back?" It wasn't a question he'd meant to ask, but it was certainly one that had been bothering him. Zalgo's energy was still pressing against the back of his mind, and he figured the demon would return sooner rather than later. His hand slipped into the pocket of his hoodie, gently toying with the bottle of pills Masky had given him.

"In all honesty I couldn't tell you," the being said, "I haven't sensed any sign of him within the forest recently." Jeff stayed silent, looking off into the trees. "When he comes, we'll be ready."

'Will you now?' Zalgo's voice taunted. His grip on the pills tightened, his fingers wrestling with the cap. The demon chuckled. 'I suppose we'll see.' His breath caught, pulse racing. Was the demon nearby? Maybe. Although Slenderman seemed sure that the demon wasn't around.

"Jeff?" He jumped, the pill bottle slipping from his pocket. It clattered onto the roof, but Slenderman caught it before it could tumble to the ground below. Jeff looked at him sheepishly as he surveyed the bottle in his hands. "These are Masky's aren't they?" Slenderman asked. Jeff flushed a bit, looking away. The being looked at him, and the killer shrunk down on himself a small bit. "These should be returned," Slenderman said, "however, for the moment at least, you need a distraction. Something to take your mind off of things." Jeff perked up, taking the bottle back as Slenderman handed it over.

"Like what?" He asked.

"Let us go for a hunt shall we?" Slenderman asked. He held out a hand to the killer, teleporting them towards the edge of the woods. Jeff blinked, not yet used to the sudden teleportation. He looked around. There was no one near them. Or at least, not that he could sense.

"What gives?" He asked, "If someone entered your forest then shouldn't they be here?" The being shook his head.

"No one stepped into this forest," He replied, "Tonight I will join you in your unique style of hunting." Jeff stared at him before grinning. In that moment he looked similar to the teen Slenderman was familiar with. The teen with bloodlust in his eyes and a sinister smirk gracing his face. Slenderman gave a hidden smirk and waved a hand at the town beyond the tree. "Lead on. I will follow you." Jeff was off in an instant, ducking into the darkened streets. Shielding himself in shadow, the being followed curiously. 'He has no weapon with him...' Slenderman thought, ''I wonder how he'll adapt."

Watching the killer was an interesting event. He found a house with an unlocked window easily and slipped inside. Humans were silly creatures to leave their windows open, especially when creatures like them roamed in the night. He teleported inside, watching the teen killer as he made is way silently into the kitchen. Jeff retrieved a knife from one of the drawers, grinning wildly. "Showtime," he said softly before heading towards the stairs. Slenderman cocked his head, curious, and followed.


"Hey Masky," Hoodie said as he tugged open the door to their shared room, "We're supposed to take Toby out training. Did you forget?" Masky didn't reply, and Hoodie looked up at his partner. The man was sitting on the bed, head resting on his knees which had been drawn up to his chest. His mask laid across the room on the floor, accompanied by a broken picture frame. "Masky? You alright?" The man shook his head, hands clutching at his ears. A knife sat in his right hand.

"They won't shut up," he growled. His voice was foreign, filled with so many emotions that Hoodie wasn't sure which one he should try and focus on first. He set down the papers he'd gotten from Slenderman and went to the other's side. Masky looked up, blue eyes glazed with crazed bloodlust.

"Hey now," Hoodie said, sitting beside him, "I told you not to give Jeff your pills." Masky gave him an annoyed look, nearly snarling at him. He laid a hand on his thigh, stroking the denim clad skin with his thumb. "You just gotta hold out for a little while and I'll go grab you some." He went to stand before Masky's free hand grabbed his jacket.

"No." He blinked, turning back to the other. Any sign of the gentle man he knew was gone, replaced by cold calculation. Blue steely orbs burned into his own hazel and he swallowed. "Don't bother. I don't need them."

"That's a load of bullshit and you know it," Hoodie said, "I know you aren't a fan of taking pills but it's not like it's a big deal. Now let me go grab-"

"No!" Hoodie jerked back as the blade bit into his cheek. He hissed, one hand pressing against the wound. "I don't need your help," he growled, standing, "Just leave me alone!"

'Not again,' he thought. He waited for Masky to swipe at him again before grabbing the blade. He wrenched it from Masky's hand and tossed it aside before drawing the male closer. He squirmed, fighting in the older male's grip as Hoodie hauled him back towards the bed.

"Let me go!" He shouted. A foot slammed into his kneecap while an elbow jabbed at his ribcage.

"Enough already," he hissed. He heard a knock at their door, Toby's concerned voice coming through the wood. 'That's right,' Hoodie thought, 'Toby's never seen him like this before.' He clapped a hand over Masky's mouth to silence his angered protests, struggling to contain the ball of flailing limbs the other was quickly becoming. "Everything's fine Toby," he called, "But we might have to hold off on training for a bit."

"Um...o-okay." Footsteps signaled the younger male's retreat and Hoodie sighed before a sharp pain flared through his hand.

"Son of a bitch!" He swore, all but dumping Masky to the floor. The other man had traces of blood around his mouth, though Hoodie figured that was from the earlier knife wound on his palm rather than the actually bite. He shook his hand, hissing when the pain flared up a small bit. 'I'd forgotten how difficult he is like this...' He looked back to the other, slightly annoyed, only to see the man frozen. He paused, stilling all movement. "You back buddy?" He asked. Masky trembled a bit before looking away with a nod. Hoodie sighed, approaching him carefully. The other man was already curling in on himself, likely embarrassed by his actions. He scooped up the younger man, setting him back on the bed. "Let me go get what you need," he said, smoothing a hand through the other's hair. Masky shook his head, reaching out a hand and looking up at him with an expression Hoodie hoped he'd never see again.

"Just stay...for tonight," the other said softly, "You can wait until tomorrow right?" Hoodie sighed but nodded, sliding into bed beside the other man.

"Fine," he said, "but first thing tomorrow I'm going out to get your pills." Masky nodded, shutting his eyes and settling down for the night.


Zalgo watched over the small cabin that belonged to Slenderman. He grinned, looking off in the direction that Jeff and Slenderman had vanished earlier. 'They'll never even know what happened until it's too late.' He laughed before taking off through the trees, the two Creepypastas beside him following without question.

What the demon never saw were the eyes watching his movement.

This wasn't a fight the demon would ever be able to predict.

Why won't you save me? (Book 2 of the Misguided Killer Series)Where stories live. Discover now