Chapter Twelve

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It was countless hours later that I landed in Ottawa International Airport. The sky was beginning to turn crimson from the sun rising over the horizon. There was an uncertain chill in the air as I got off the private jet to see a tall guy wearing a very formal suit and sunglasses waiting for me. He had longish blonde hair with a fringe flipped over to the side, slightly obstructing his left eye.

I hadn't been able to sleep during my time on the jet as I had many questions floating around my head. Many that I could not put to rest. It wasn't for about an hour after I got on the plane that I understood the gravity of the situation. Why had TaeHyun sent me away? And why with such urgency? Why to Canada? I was very confused.

"Good morning. I'm TaeHyun's friend - Leo." He smirks, holding his hand out for me to shake. I shake hands with him before heading through the airport. We were silent, but I was happy about it. I was too tired to make small talk, let alone answer the questions on my mind. I decided to sleep on it.

He escorted me to his car, a beautiful Bugatti Veyron. I shoved my luggage in the back before taking my place in the passenger seat beside Leo. He asked me basic questions likes my name and my age. He asked about my school and what it was like living with TaeHyun. I kept my answers minimal. I was too tired.

We arrived at a large villa house a few hours later. It felt like an eternity of driving, but we were there. I knew barely anything about this guy, yet I just had to trust TaeHyun's decision to send me to him. Even though I was reluctant to stay with him, it was a relief to lay my head on a pillow and sleep peacefully.


"Morning." Leo chimes as he sees me walking down the marble staircase into the dining room.

"Morning." I reply, my voice filled with lethargy as I was still exhausted from my travelling.

He offers me various foods for breakfast and I eat them with a strong hunger, eager to quench it. Once I'd finished eating, Leo made me get ready and took me into town.

I'm pretty sure he only took me into town for having guilt that I was forced to come and live with him, but I had a good time all the same. We bonded over the activities we engaged in and at the end of the day, we found ourselves wandering around a theme park.

"So how's TaeHyun these days?" Leo asks as I follow him like a puppy around the massive theme park he was guiding me through.

"He's been good. Or from what I've seen of him anyway." I reply.

There's a pause. "You know he sent you here to be safe, right?" He questions.

"Safe? From what?" I answer with another question. He lets out a long sigh then mumbles something that I don't quite catch.

"You'll find out someday." He answers before quickly changing subject. "You wanna go on that ride?" He asks me, pointing to a tall, looming roller coaster with many dips, loops and turns.

"I thought you'd never ask." I dare to smirk before taking off towards the roller coaster. Leo follows a few feet behind, yelling for me to slow down as I continuously up my pace.


The day drew to a close and we drove back to the villa. Since I was tired out of my mind this time, I appreciated how the house looked. It had 3 floors and an annexe type building to the right. There were many balconies that were littered with old fashioned lanterns to give the place a glow. The driveway circled around a small water fountain before leading up to the large double mahogany doors.

Leo pulled up next to the doors and got out before tossing the keys to the valet and ordering him to park the car in the garage round the back of the villa. He obliges, bowing before getting in the car. I head into the villa with Leo and we head into the sitting room.

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