Chapter Four

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~1 week later~

South Korea hasn't been all too bad. My new friends are amazing and I'm having a lot of fun hanging out with them. TaeHyun has been really interesting to get to know, and I love having him as my brother. Recently he's been teaching me to cook and so far, it's not going too good considering I accidently set fire to a banana but that's not a story I want to tell.

The girls that bruised my stomach on the second day of school haven't bothered me too much and I've thankfully been left without more bruises from them. Nothing more than the mere narrow eyed stare.

I've also learnt that my friends are quite popular within the school. Guys look up to them and girls swoon over them. Girls regularly stare at me with narrowed eyes, which I've now become accustomed to.


Break time. With nothing better to do, I decide to roam the corridors. Of course I have the option to spend time with my friends, but sometimes I just want some time to myself.

Suddenly, I begin to faintly hear music being played. By the sound of it, it's the keys of a piano being chained together to create a beautiful piece of music.

Following the sound of the piano, I find myself at the door of the auditorium. I peer through the glass panes in the door and see TaeHyun seated at the piano. Quietly, I push the door open and walk down to the stage.

As soon as I reach the foot of the stage, TaeHyun abruptly concludes his performance and turns his head to face me. "Yah. What do you think you're doing?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well, I was listening to you play." I answer, crossing my arms over my chest too.

"Can you play?" He asks, glancing briefly back at the piano. I shake my head, letting my arms fall back down to my side. TaeHyun motions for me to join him on the stage and I climb up onto the stage and slowly walk over to him.

I sit next to him and he begins teaching me to play a piece of music. Slowly, my brain begins to process the order in which the keys are to be pressed and I begin to learn the song.

By the time break ends, I've made little to none process, but that doesn't matter. TaeHyun and I walk out the doors of the auditorium and begin to head our separate ways to our classes.

"TaeHyun!" I call after him, turning on my heels to face him. TaeHyun halts just before he turns the corner and turns to face me. I smile brightly. "You play beautifully." I compliment.

TaeHyun mirrors the bright smile and turns back around, heading round a corner.

"JuHyun! What are you doing just standing there, come on." I hear SeungHoon's voice behind me and seconds later there's a gentle grip on my wrist and I'm being pulled down the corridor to the art class.


At lunchtime I find myself spending time with Ari and SoRa in the recording studio. We just tend to mess around in here. Recording tracks that are erased a few moments later and editing things together that make no sense and are no contribution to anything.

"Play....that file!" Ari points to a file and I open it, letting the sounds of one of a strange, badly editing song that sends us into fits of laughter.

"Hey, isn't this that thing we edited last Thursday?" SoRa asks, making us all pause of a second. I glance at the girls and then at the screen, then back to the girls, then back to the screen.

"I think it was." I say, making us laugh again.

"What about that file." SoRa points at a different one. I open that file and it leads into somebody singing. It's a guy, and his voice is beautiful.

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