Chapter Seven

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When the detention finally finishes at 4:30, I can't deny the sense of overwhelming relief. That detention was boring. We got handed sheets and sheets of work to go through that didn't even relate to art. Most of them were exam questions that took you at least half an hour just to figure out what the question was asking from you.

I hated it.

As I was leaving school. I decided to text the group chat on Facebook with all my friends from America in as I missed them at that moment. I was walking with SeungHoon, Ari and SoRa and as I took out my phone to begin texting, my pace significantly slowed down, leaving me trailing behind my friends.

Hey! How are you guys? xx - Me

We're currently in lessons xD what do you want? - Ben

It takes me a while to figure out how they could be in lessons at this time. Of course, it was the time difference. Right now it was 9:30 AM and they'll be half way through their first lesson.

Ah, I just got out of school. I had a detention for having a pain fight in art xD - Me

Sounds fun. Why didn't you invite me? xD We have Mrs. Latham's RS class - Ben

Mrs. Latham was a bit of a mental teacher. She could ramble on for the entire hour about her love for God and all things holy. I don't have a problem with anything like that but she was seriously boring.

Wow, she was boring. Well I'll leave you to that, I have to get home. Message me later? - Me

Will do :3 - Ben

I rush to catch up with Ari, SeungHoon and SoRa as we head towards the driveway where our limousines would be awaiting. "So then I wrote about Shakespeare for a bit because it was the only thing I could think of." Ari finishes saying something that I didn't hear the start of.

However, I still recognise the question that she's on about. "Oh yeah, same. I hated that though. Detentions in California mostly involved sitting there for like an hour. We didn't have to do any work." I inform them.

"Well some teachers here just let you go on your phone after doing some work but Mrs. Im is not one of those people." SoRa laughs as we arrive at our cars lined up neatly in the driveway. Instead of the limo being there for me, the Mercedes S500 sits there for me with TaeHyun in the drivers seat, playing games on his phone while he waits for me.

I slide into the passenger seat, causing TaeHyun to look up from his phone to meet my eyes. A bright smile spreads across his face as he switches gears and drives out the driveway of the school.

"So how was detention?" TaeHyun starts a conversation, driving at a steady pace with a set course for home. I sigh and slide deeper into my seat.

"Boring." I reply, exhaustion overcoming me and infecting my tone of voice.

"I bet it wasn't that bad." TaeHyun tries to turn the situation into a positive but I'm having none of it.

"It was an hour of work, I hate it." I close my eyes and let my body slip down into the seat further, my neck beginning to turn to an awkward angle.

As soon as we arrive home, I sling my bag into one of the chairs in the lounge and dart upstairs and into my room. I take a quick shower before changing into some sweatpants and a Game Of Thrones t-shirt. Then, I dart downstairs and head onto my xbox where I spend the rest of my night playing Sanctum 2.

I turn off my Xbox at around 7:00PM when we choose to eat. Since neither of us can be bothered to cook, we order in some pizza.

"So you heard about that New Caledonia trip?" I ask, taking a huge bite from the greasy pizza in my hands. We decided to turn on the music channels to provide background noise for our meal.

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