
19 4 2

My attention ends up wandering around but I advert it to the officer that was staring straight at me with a appalled glare.


I stare forward, acting like nothing is happening. "Hey kid!" I mutter a short 'Fuck' but stop in my tracks. "Luke don't tell me your wanted here too?" Ashton snaps as the officer jogs across the street. "Really? How stupid do you think I actually am?" I squint at him.

The man now stands in front of the two of us. "Sorry for the bother but have you two seen this man? It's urgent that we find him quickly" he holds up a small photo. Even in picture form he makes my blood boil.

"No." I say through clenched teeth. I push pass Ashton but am pulled back. "Son, it seems like you know him. It would be helpful if you came down and answered a-"

"No. Do not even speak with me about that damn bastard" I begin walking back to the car with my fist clenching and my jaw beginning to ache.

"Luke! Could you stop walking off!" I drive off as I get in before Ashton could fully shut the door. "I know your mad but you need to pull over" my foot only presses down harder on the gas.

"Slow the fuck down and pull over!" I sharply turn down the familiar road making the tires squeak against the road.

"Shut the fuck up Ashton!" I screech. "What the hell has gotten in to you!" He yells.

I slam down on the break, stopping at my house. "Jesus! Get your fucking head straight, Luke!" I snap my head towards him and clench down on the words that are wanting to spill any moment.

The two of us get out of the car in silence when he speaks up.  "I'll see you later" Ashton mutters.


I glare at the person behind the door who was knocking. "Luke?" She raises her eyebrow at me before fixing the backpack that hangs on her shoulder.

"Why are you here?" I coldly respond. "Uhm, I came to talk to Jack"

I could tell that nerves were stinging her by the way she messed with her fingers in front of her and the way she made eye contact with me for a split second before ripping her stare to anywhere else but me.

"How did you figure out where he lived?" I cross my arms waiting for her response. "It doesn't matter I-"

"I asked a question, non related to failed statements" I cut her off with a snappy tone, having her give me one of her aggravated miens.

"Why does it matter to you? It's not like you're Jack"

You could pin point the tone of annoyance in her voice in a second, which I did before laughing at her comment.

"Listen here, I don't need your attitude and frankly you're pretty fucking annoying so you can either answer me or I could end up doing something to make you regret ever talking to me. Your choice sweetheart" I growl.

"I got it from your friend Ashton. Now can I come in and wait for Jack, I really need to talk to him" I step aside and let her in, not sure of what will come out of this but I already have a plan.

I watch as she examines the house and then turns to look at me. "Can I ask you somethings?" She purses her lips.

I slowly exhale and walk past her to get to the living room. "Why is someone like Jack hanging out with someone like you?" Look a little closer.

"Tell me, what do you think Jack is like?"she places down on the other side of the couch by me so I look at her to see her lips parted but nothing coming out.

"I don't know but I do know that you guys are nothing alike" she scoffs.

"I've had enough of you." I groan. I get up, going upstairs and grabbing a black drawstring bag and putting everything I need to be Jack. Rushing back downstairs after, I ignored Opal who looked at me and walked out the front door.


"Hi, Luke let me in and then left" she smiled at me, Jack. "That's fine. Why did you come?"

"You and I got put together for a project and I just wanted to drop this off so I asked your friend Ashton who I met at work" that's what she wanted to fucking tell me. Well isn't it too bad that she won't be seeing Jack soon.

"Alright, do you want to stay after school tomorrow and work on it?" I'm going to regret this.

"Yeah, that will be great. I should be going now so I'll see you tomorrow" she hands me the work in her hands and leaves.


"Will that work?" I ask, giving Opal an idea for the project. "Perfect"

"So... Luke, he seems to be very interesting" she brings up a conversation.

"Yeah, he's something but you just got to get to know him" I lie.

"Opal! I've called you five times, you could of answered" Calum emerges in the library with a glare pointed towards me.

"We're working on a project. My ringer is also off, what'd you need?" She stares up at him. "We were supposed to go out tonight" he groans.

"I can finish the project so you two can go out" I step in. "Thank you, now Opal lets go" she flashes a half smile at me and answers to Calum. "We can go out tomorrow. I'm doing this with Jack"

Calum's jaw visually tightens while he looks up at the ceiling with his hands in his pockets. "Opal" he seems to warn.

"Calum" her eyebrows raise.

"Calum, mate, let's go" now Michael calls when he walks in, smirking when he notices me.

"Jackass, I'm hoping you got help when you missed school yesterday?" His smirk stays.

His voice is already making my head spin which will also be good, for me but bad for him.

"I don't have a problem" I sigh, leaning back in my chair.

"You're right. You are a problem"

I completely freeze at his words until my knuckles turn white from the clenching of my fist.

A/n: I haven't updated lately due to the fact I haven't had any service because I was at band camp, which I hated to no extend but here's this update.

I know it's sorta boring and super short but I'm really just trying to lead up to some of the main ideas of the story.

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