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The lights have begun to flicker. Sometimes it happens so fast that no one even really notices it. Than there are the long flickers that go dark......light.........dark..........than light again. Those are most stressful times because we don't really know if the lights will come back on again or just remain dark. So far so good though.

The first time the lights flickered everyone immediately stopped whatever it was that they were doing and looked up, staring at the lights above. The second time it happened was a long flicker and some people were screaming and crying because the dark was going to get us and kill us. Then the lights flickered back on and people calmed down.

So the dark did come but the promised death didn't. I am starting to question if the people in white have been lying to us all along or were right and the promised death just hasn't come yet.

The flickers have become very common now. When it happens we just tense up for a moment than relax as nothing actually happens. Even when its a long flicker we aren't that scared. Some people still scream though.

Lately I have found myself to be...alone. Literally alone. I am by myself with no by me.

I haven't since Bryan around that much except for a few instances. I think that because of the lights flickering and no promised death when it gets dark for awhile has revived Bryan attempts at getting out of here. He may have persuaded some others to join him too like Geronimo because I haven't seen him at all lately.

Aubrey is...avoiding everyone. She just stays in her room, on her bed, surrounded by her stuffed animal trinkets. She yells at anyone that gets too close for her comfort and lashes out if you actually touch her. Bryan got a black eye in the beginning, when he still stuck around, from Aubrey for not moving his hand from her shoulder.

I've been occupying my time of solitude (I have never actually talked to anyone besides Bryan and Aubrey before so I feel really awkward talking or interacting with anyone else) by trying to remember 'before'. Which ranges from 'meditation', plain old thinking, and sleeping. Lots and lots of sleeping. I can't really remember anything solid just feelings but they're really faint.

If I remember anything I'll write it down in here.

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