Debriefings And Traps

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Kirito POV

Azor was Kirito's NPC. His creation. Everything from his character, to his body type, to his voice tone, to his dressing taste was created by him. It had taken him a week to customize but the end result was so worth it. About 1.8m tall, Azor is a Vampire with dark skin, and nicely combed black hair (Kirito liked the irony of a dark skinned vampire). He sports round glasses and a British suit with a tie; he is dressed like a gentleman. As he was to be the Commander of the NPC Defenses, he had a high level of intelligence and strategic thinking. Kirito was very proud of his creation.

He waited for a bit and then saw the glittering indigo solidus smoke appearing that signified the ingame teleportation which slowly started taking shape and having mass.

In the end in front of him stood Klein and Azor. Azor with his characteristic red suit and glasses and Klein with his samurai katana and (Now black) armor. Although Klein still wore his red bandana as a distinction of the elite group. Azor bowed down, on one knee, looking down. Klein on the other hand just stood there arms crossed, giving an impatient, over-his-shoulder gaze to Kirito. Azor spoke.

'For what do you ask me here lord Kirito?' He said with religious respectfulness

'Raise your head Azor. Klein good to see you around.' Azor rose from his bowing position and Klein turned 90 degrees, looking at him directly in the eyes now. Kirito returned the stare.

'Yeah well I am still waiting for that attack order you know! Leafa was my friend too.'

'Soon my friend, soon.' At this he returned his gaze to demiurge who was still not looking him in the eyes. (Maybe he should have loosened up at the formality and respectfulness on the customization menu) 'Azor how many forces have we gathered.' Azor started speaking in a flat tone, mentioning the facts alone.

'The forces are still gathering but at the moment the numbers, on the road, are more or less like this: The knights of the blood oath have sent 400 players. Their leader Hithcliff shall arrive in time as he has some business to attend to'

'Not surprising. He does have the second most powerful guild in Aincrad after all.' A grin spread on his face at the unspoken fact that his was the first. It quickly subsided for formality's sake.

'Moonlight cats have also sent their five generals and 200 players. I do believe you are familiar with them' Said Azor as emotionlessly as he could but you could still feel his hesitation at the mention of the guild.

'Yes, I was once a part of their guild when it was still small but we were ambushed by monsters and one of our party members that was supposed to be under my protection died. She was our only casualty but I was blamed for it and kicked out of the guild.'

'A sad turn of events indeed' said Azor 'shall I continue?'

Kirito gaped for a second reminiscing his old mistakes then sighed and answered half heartedly

'Yes, there is no point in dwelling in the past'

'The Aincrad Liberation Force sends the largest amount of soldiers. About 600 players together with a young and very talented captain of theirs called Asuna.'

Kirito seemed distracted for a bit on the mention of the name, it seemed familiar but he didn't have the time or mental clarity to dwell on it any further. Azor continued

'Also Slane Theocracy is sending...' Azor tried to continue but was interrupted by a shocked Klein

'Slane Theocracy? But they hate inhuman classes, which makes our guild their prime hatred target'

'Yes they do but they see the privilege of this alliance. They send 500 players and their leader Pontifex Maximus. It would seem that they see the merit of the alliance.' Azor said almost excited.

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