Dialogues and Choices

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Akihiko Kayaba POV

1 hour before the update

'So... war huh.' He mumbled to himself. He was in a nice, cozy room inside the HQ of the Ambassadors of light and darkness. He was just sitting on a chair next to a window, gazing thoughtlessly. There wasn't much to admire really. The guild at first glance could easily be considered boss dungeon. It was a huge, magnificent castle but it looked a bit "dark" on the outside, evil one might say, even the grass died in a 1 kilometer radius around it. If one saw the usual dwellers he wouldn't really change his mind since they were usually skeletons, demons, vampires and all sorts of things. Oh the irony of an army led by monsters being the noble warriors against an army of bloodthirsty humans.

Kayaba liked it here. It gave a bit of worth to his work. He put a great amount of effort on the character creator so the last thing he wanted was a human only world. That would be annoying and insulting, never mind boring.

This war though was anything but boring him. There wasn't anything that could really go wrong. Despite the fear of the players the government would never dare to kill 7000 humans at once. He knew exactly how many and how powerful the two sides were. Even if his calculations were wrong and too many people died he could just weaken the next bosses to make the fight winnable or just wait for the people in the town of beginnings to grind their way to power. So no problem there.

It was an interesting idea too. How many philosophers would have killed to see this social experiment in action? People were taken from their normal lives and they were put in a state of nature as philosophers call it. A new world with no authorities and governments. The possibilities of what the players could come up with were endless yet they created governments. They just called them guilds. And now they were even starting their first war. History was being made and social science was evolving.

When the game was cleared he would definitely publish anonymously every detail about this.

'When the game was cleared...' He mumbled. He tightened his fists. He really couldn't face the idea that his world, His creation, His child, would end just like that. It was eating him up inside.

But those were the rules he had set at the beginning and a god has to be just. A god? Well ofcourse he could be considered a god but that didn't mean he really was one. But in his mind he had accepted himself as one. Maybe he was just going crazy but who knows... It wasn't really healthy to dwell on it further

So his duty, as the god of this world, is to make the war heroic and worth remembering! To teach people through it! He was also interested in its psychological sociological effects.

'So what should I do?' He inquired. He couldn't just tell to the council to how to act. He didn't have the right to. It was a democracy of the people and even as a god he didn't want to force them to do something.

'So then what is in the realms of a god?' He mentally said

'World creation.'An emotionless voice said inside his head

'Done that' He said in matter-of-fact-tone.

'Not good enough' The voice retorted 'How can you expect realistic, meaningful results when your world is lacking. Where are the things that make people afraid of war? Where are the traumatizing parts? A world needs both good and evil. Not everything can be rosy. Death alone isn't enough to make others understand the pain. There are no remains, no blood and no scars. The world needs to learn to fear evil to be good. So make this war the time when this world became reality. Make it true history.'

'You are wrong' Kayaba said simply. 'I am a benevolent god. I don't want my creations to suffer.'

'There are three reasons this is wrong. 1 they suffer from each other already. You just want to keep your hands clean. But if you could look besides yourself you would see that fear would prevent many deaths from happening. 2 you are no benevolent god. They still die out there. Since you made a deathgame you cannot be called...'

'And what stops me from ending the death mechanic?' Kayaba interrupted

'Nothing, but then you would turn this back into a simplegame.'He said the lastword with disgust 'You made an alternative reality. You are on the verge of making it reality. Are you really going to back outnowwhile history is being made? At the very least it would be unfair to the 3000 people that have died already.'He stopped letting it sink in. 'Besides as I was saying the third reason is you yourself don't believe I am wrong. If you did you wouldn't have preparedTHE UPDATE.'He said with some awe in his voice which surprised Kayaba since the voice was calm and apathetic up until now... he was surprised by a voice in his own head... maybe he really was going crazy.

But those last words truly stroke awe inside him to the very core. THE UPDATE was his work this last year. He had lost sleep, meetings, had skipped meals, all in order to complete it as soon as possible. THE UPDATE he thought. Could the moment he had been waiting for be now? He pondered over it. Yes this would be the perfect time. He would finally use it.

There were risks ofcourse but they had been accounted for. His world would be safe. He quickly voiced the command to teleport to the administrator room. It was a dark empty room outside the Aincrad with only a computer screen and a keyboard. He started typing like a madman. He made his final checks for bugs; Bugs at such a legendary moment would be unacceptable. After his scan ended he loaded the update.

Only one choice left to make. The screen biped and a window opened

Would you like to relinquish the throne? Recite the answer

Kayaba thought about it. After some silent thinking he took a deep breath and started reciting

'I am the god of this world. Always was, always will be. From now on and forever I am immortal, I am eternal, I am the ruler, I am the king, I am god.'

The system having its answer started installing the update. The horn was music to his ears!

A/N: This chapter was kind of fillerish but I wanted to give some insight to Kayaba's way of thinking and god complex as I believe it was at the time of SAO. Please review if you believe anything wasn't fitting And as always

Glad to entertain you


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