Today is the day

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Disclaimer: Mention of suicide and self-harm. If you're triggered by this please don't read this story. Stay alive.

Today is the day. Today I'm gonna do it. I can't live anymore. My parents never listen to me and think I'm useless. I don't have friends. Everyone thinks I'm crazy and weird because I have blue hair and I'm totally obsessed with series, books, movies and famous people. At school I can't concentrate because of that. But I don't need to learn anyway. I'm the smartest girl in school. And I know everything. Well not everything but a lot. An other reason why I don't have friends.

But today everything will end. I  out of bed and get dressed. Just black jeans and my favorite Doctor Who shirt. With David Tennant. He's my favorite. But it doesn't matter what I wear. It's all gonna be ripped apart anyway. I thought a long time about this. I mean I feel a bit bad for the driver. He has to live with it. But this is quick. I tried cutting my self. But I don't think I can. I mean I have done it a lot but you know. And it's a slow death. And jumping off a building wasn't an option either. We don't have tall buildings I can enter. There all hospitals or government buildings. And there's a chance that you survive it and then you live with a lot of injuries. I heard on the news someone jumped off a building three years ago. And a year ago he just turned up. Like nothing happened. He's a psychopath.

I go downstairs and walk straight to the door. ' Where do you think you're going?' I hear a voice say behind me. Mom.
' Just going to school. Am I allowed to?' I say when I turn around. She is drunk again. That's gonna be fun when the police come to tell that her daughter just jumped in front of a metro. I wish I could see that. ' No No you can go. If that means I don't have to see you for the rest of the day.' 'Of course. Say bye to grandpa and grandma for me.' I say when I walk out of the door and walk to the metro station. In London, we have enough of them.

When I arrive I walk to the platform. There only a view people. No kids. Okay, that's good. Don't wanna give them a trauma. The metro will be here any minute. I left a note at home. Not for my parents but for my grandparents. They live with us and are amazing. If they wouldn't be there I would have done this a long time ago.

I see the metro coming in the distance. Okay, this is my moment. I start to cry. I never thought that it would be so emotional. Okay, 3...2...1... Goodbye world. I start to run and I'm ready to jump when I feel two strong arms around my waist that pull me back. I start to scream and struggle but it's no use. The metro already passed by and I can't get loose. The two arms let go and I turn around. ' What the hell did you just do? I scream in the face of the stranger. He has dark, short curled hair. He wears a dark blue trench coat with a blue scarf. ' I just saved your life. But we need to go. Some people might call the police. Come on.' He says while he grabs my arm and pulls me with him. He looks familiar. I think I've seen him before. On tv or something. There's the other guy walking behind us. He's quite small and has short light blond hair.

When we're out of the station the small guy gets a cab. The tall one pulls me in. I sit in between the two men. ' 221B Bakerstreet.' Says the tall guy to the cabbie. I'm in such a shock that I don't know what to say. After a view minutes, I manage to say something. 'Who are you?' I look at the tall man. ' I'm Sherlock Holmes and this is my friend Dr. John Watson. Do have any more questions? Because it looks like you do.'

Hello everyone. Did you like it? I hope you did. It's a bit long I know. Be sure to read my other books to. Thank you so much for reading this. Xxx Isabella
Ps. Look at those cuties in the photo. They're so happy.

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