[part 1]

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   It's amazing how one moment can turn life upside down. How one moment can turn around and see his mother, whom your own father killed in your same childhood as possible to get to the place where many of the same way you train and do their job. You can find a new best friend, who would be a vampire, or to see a guy who calmly looks in your direction, but you will be interested ...
Thoughts were confused, and she herself is no longer understood in Clarissa's head, what's going on.
- Why did you tell me that my mother is dead? - she looked at her father, who are also still for several minutes. - Why did you lie to me?
The answer to this question might be a single word - selfishness. Jocelyn preferred to Sebastian upbringing and Valentin Clary took away from his wife, so that she can't hide it from the twilight world. Morgenstern knew from the start that Clary will be a special ability, it will be very special girl. And Valentin wasn't mistaken, the youngest Morgenstern was indeed an apt pupil. Clary was able to create a rune, then couldn't nobody else. That is why the appearance of the Institute of Clarissa alarmed, as this woman was able to eliminate them all, if they prevent it.
- Clary, look, I actually didn't lie to you, - Valentine approached his daughter. - Jocelyn abandoned us and took your brother, Sebastian ... more precisely, Jonathan Christopher. All this time she was engaged in his upbringing, and she didn't care about you.
- Can't be! - shouted the redhead. - The mother should love both children equally.
- But Jocelyn loved Sebastian more, - Morgenstern snorted.
Valentin didn't lie to Clarissa, not now. Like any father, he was only trying to protect her daughter. To protect it from all evils, including the mother, who of their own accord renounced it. Clary, of course, knew this and tried to soft on the father after the disclosure of the whole truth, but the heart still ached. It hurt, bleeding, because all this time on the other side of the world lived her mother and older brother, who was so similar to Valentin's ... Sebastian was incredibly beautiful.
- Can I stay here? - Clary lowered her head.
- Well, Clary, I understand your choice and accept it, - Morgenstern hugs daughter and Clarissa buries his face in his own father's chest. - But if you want to return or you are hurt, the doors of our house are always open for you. I will always wait for you, dear.
- Thank you, dad, - Clary smile.

Clarissa went to the Institute, holding in his left hand a sports bag with things, and the right holding a backpack, which constantly roll off the shoulder.
Inside the Institute looked even more impressive than the outside. It was a huge building, whose design has been executed in the Gothic style. Not having seen the inhabitants of the castle, it could be assumed that they were all aristocrats. It was around a logical explanation.
- Hello, Clarissa, - in the hall of the Institute came middle-aged woman with dark hair pulled into a high ponytail, and deep brown eyes to burn. - My name is Maryse Lightwood and I'm the head of this Institute.
- Hello, Mrs. Lightwood - Clary nodded. - I think you already know me.
- I know only what I told your father, - Marisa glanced at Clarissa. - He's a good friend of our family.
Clarissa even flattered that Lightwood's family discussed it with Valentin. In the end, to some extent, it is even passed certain limits.
- Isabelle will show you to your room, - a woman pointed at the girl behind her, read her own traits in someone's face.
- Thank you, Marisa, for everything.
The girl, whose name was Isabelle, abruptly turned on his heel and walked up the stairs, not paying any attention to Clarissa, nervously trudging behind.
- So you Isabelle? You have a beautiful name, - Clary tried to develop a topic of conversation, but the dark-haired only threw a warning glance at her.
- I'm not going to talk to you, - said Isabelle, what Clarissa arched her eyebrows questioningly. - And, honestly, I don't trust you. I don't care whose daughter you are there. It will not change my decision!
Clary rolled her eyes and threw the bag on the floor of his new room. Caustic Remark Isabelle didn't hurt her as much she at first glance seemed suspicious, and many people simply don't take Clarissa. Young Morgenstern was sometimes harsh and rough, but mostly this "the red-haired beast," as jokingly called her father, he preferred to remain silent. Shut up and listen. Sometimes, listening to people, you can learn a lot of useful information. It reasoned and mysterious green-eyed Morgenstern.
- You're not really like me, - Clary smiled wryly. - But I will try to sustain your cast of characters.
- Well, thank you, - Isabelle shuddered. - Dinner at seven, you should be there. Jocelyn and Sebastian will be there.
After these words, Isabelle was gone, leaving Clarissa to think about their next steps. Clary thought about to learn here all the better, to mend relations with her mother and brother, to explore the city, and then go back to his father, in Idris. It would be nice to add some fun to your life.
She glanced at the clock and was surprised when she learned that the time was twenty minutes past six. Few hurry yourself, Clary took a shower, dried her hair and wore a black dress that was a little above the knee. The shoulders were opened, and the three-quarter sleeve. On foot Morgenstern chose to wear comfortable ballet flats. The final touch was a pendant that her father gave. Valentin wanted to have Clarissa has always been a bit of a twilight world where she was not. A part of him. So he gave Clary beautiful purple pendant that shimmered in the light. The girl, thinking of his father, wore a pendant around his neck and went to dinner.

Over dinner he gathered Lightwood's family, Jocelyn and Sebastian, Magnus Bane, werewolf Luke and a young man who was a vampire. His name was Simon.
- Too solemn, - the guy said. - You don't think so, Clarissa? Or ... can I call you just Clary?
Clary humbled vampire stern look.
- It can't be understandable, - Simon buried in his plate.
Almost everyone here Clary recognized. She met them for the first time when Valentine was with the Institute, in a completely random circumstances. Particularly attracted her attention ever gloomy man, whose name was Lightwood. And it seems that his name was Alexander. So, Clary very surprised by the fact that he never smiles. His face is always focused, and he squeezed as if at any moment it can attack. Such people are annoyed by Clarissa. Closed, shackled, in general, simply uninteresting.
Dinner took place quite a good, if not for Jocelyn, who was trying to ask her daughter about everything. Clarissa restrained answered all the questions, but that is almost always a non-contracting, because she did not want to Jocelyn knew too much about it. Not so fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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