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Feeling the wind carry my short, freshly dyed hair through the air as I cradled into my base's arms always made me feel good.

It was like I was on top of the world; a true natural high and I loved it almost as much as the routines that followed soon after.

"Let's go, Breakers!" I shouted with the rest of the girls as we finished up the routine. It was a quick one but just as effective as the other ones had been and our team took the lead in the game once and for all.

The crowd loved us — our school. But, of course, what was there that they couldn't like? While there were plenty of cocky attitudes, mine included, we delivered wins left and right and didn't rest until championships.

The bond between all season teammates made it that much enjoyable, too. Hell, even the players interacted with the cheerleaders in a positive way; we all were friends. Although, Vic Fuentes was the exception.

Vic and I weren't on the greatest of terms, truth be told. Despite knowing each other since we were in diapers, Vic was the furthest from my friend. His arrogance and my attitude didn't mix well at times (more than I could count) and "disputes" have had to be settled in the past. It was always hot and cold with Vic, though, no matter what. I couldn't ever tell where he and I stood; did we hate each other? Did we tolerate each other? I had no clue these days. Regardless (and sadly), he was an asset to our team's record and companionship meaning he was an asset for us.

In no time, everyone from the stands went into an uproar as Vic made the last second shot of the game, finishing with a win of 36-25. The hype didn't cool down, though, until everyone was in their respected locker rooms and talking about what to do next since the night clearly wasn't over yet.

"Hey, Kell. You going to Tyler's party tonight?" Taylor asked me. She was one of our best cheerers and my closest friend.

"Yeah, I don't mind. I have to change, though." I said while I gathered my remaining things and slung the bag over my shoulder. Taylor followed me close behind as we continued to speak.

"Great! I'll go with you."

We made our way out the school and to my car so I could get ready. I wanted out of that uniform so badly today. Don't get me wrong, the skirt was cute and I looked damn good in it, but I'd been wearing it all day and after a while, I start to feel icky in it.

"I'm so excited for this party." Taylor squealed. I only laughed at her and asked why teasingly. Of course, I knew the answer already.

"I don't know. I just am, you know?" She was so transparent.

"Mhm, I hear Jennifer is going." I sassed back to her. She's had a crush on her for the longest time and I wouldn't be surprised to hear Taylor admit it. I don't understand what's been taking her so long to just ask her out, though.

"She is? I never knew. Maybe I'll say something to her when we get there." Taylor thought to herself; she was a mess.

It didn't take long for us to get to my house and, together, we were entering my room in no time.

"I want to look relatively nice at this party," I commented. The statement was more for myself but saying it aloud made it official, I felt like. Plus, it gave Taylor something to do and sped the process of dressing along. Knowing me, I would have taken years to decide.

"Oo and just who are you dressing up for?" Taylor mocked me.

"No one, just want to look nice for once." I fibbed. "Comfortable and nice," It wasn't anyone I wanted, just myself. Taylor sighed and looked at me with a tired look.

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