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Ugh, Mondays. Usually, I'd get up not wanting to go to school but today I was the opposite.

I woke up with Vic still holding me as warmth spread throughout my body. I yawned and hit Vic's chest a bit so he could wake up but he just groaned and pulled me into him so we could sleep longer. I tried to get from his grasp but he just held me tighter.

"There's no school today." He mumbled into my neck. It tickled a bit but I liked it regardless.

"Liar. Get up." I hit his arms but he turned me around and gave me a kiss which distracted me from me getting him up and out of bed. I moaned into his lips but ultimately broke apart.

"Vic," I whined. "Time to get up, come on. I want to look cute today," I admitted.

"You look cute every day." He groaned, rubbing his eyes when he sat up on the edge of the bed.

"Well thank you. Want me to drop you off at your house?"

"No, that's okay. I'll just wear whatever I gave you the other day."

"You'll never get them back," Vic nodded.

"I know."

We got dressed quickly before heading out. Vic didn't have any of his school stuff so we had to go back anyway. It didn't take long, though, and in no time we were with all of our friends.

It was a routine day up until lunch. Vic was acting weird when I tried to hold his hand. He'd been doing that all day, actually; it was pissing me off. I pulled him to the side when he went to throw away his food to talk to him about it.

"So, what's up? Why are you acting weird?"

"What do you mean?"

"Vic, you haven't let me touch you. Like at all. Not even to hold your hand." Vic pulled me off into a corner so no one could see us before talking again.

"Look, Kellin. I enjoy dating you. I really, really do. You're adorable and the greatest to be around but, I'm not ready to tell the whole school we're dating right now. I know our circle knows but that's them."

"I can't even hold your hand? Why not?"

"No, not now anyway."

"That's bull, Fuentes and you know it."

"It's not." I shook my head and turned around to leave. I couldn't believe he was acting like this. It's not like I was someone to be embarrassed about. Not me.

The rest of the day I didn't even look at him, that's how pissy I was. When practice came, it was worse. All the girls tried talking to the boys but I really wasn't having it so I made us condition.

"What the hell, Kells. What's wrong? We never condition." Taylor whispered over to me during our two-minute planks. No one wanted to do this but I was the captain with a bad attitude; what I say goes.

"Then, this was good practice," I muttered. Taylor rolled her eyes at me and came down when the timer went off. All the girls huddled up and waited to be dismissed.

"Okay, the game is tomorrow. Be ready by 2:30. Bus leaves at 2:45." I said nonchalantly. Everyone left but Taylor stayed behind.

"What's wrong?" I shook my head but she didn't drop it.

"It's just been a long day, that's all. I barely got sleep last night." I made up. She looked at me with suspicion but soon accepted.

"Tell me how things go tonight then. Later." Taylor said, grabbing her keys and bag and exiting the gym. Vic came up from the locker room and sat down next to me when I finished getting my things.

"Go away. I've had enough of you for today."

"But, I haven't done anything!" He whined.

"Yes, the fuck you have. Goodbye, Mr. We-Can't-Tell-Anyone-About-Us-Right-Now." Vic ran up in front of me and picked me up, not putting me down. I could tell he was smiling but I wasn't. I wanted to, but I pushed away that stupid feeling. Instead, I looked into his eyes with an unimpressed look. I felt like a chump.

"Come on, Kelly. I'll make it up to you."

"How?" I asked, still being held by him.

"Surprise." He smiled widely.

"Oh, goodie!" I said, my tone dripped with sarcasm. He pouted but gave me a kiss on the cheek anyway. I whined and wiped away his actions but that was no use because he turned and kissed my other cheek. Then my nose, then my forehead and finally my lips. By then, I was a smiling mess and just sank into his kiss, wrapping my legs around his waist as he held my thighs.


"For now." I blushed, resting my head on his neck.

"Good. Want to come over?"

"I can't. Too much homework and I know you'll distract me with your dumb kisses." I joked.

"You love em."

"Eh. They're okay." I laughed. He smiled and set me down before taking my hand and leaving school with me so I could take him home. I had forgotten that I drove him here, actually, so it was good I wasn't still mad at him.

"I'll call you, cutie," Vic said as he got out of the car. I nodded and watched as he closed the car door.

"Okay, okay. Thank you." I blushed as Vic smiled and gave me a kiss before heading inside. He was great.

I know I react quickly and it's often bitchy but when I think things over, I'm pretty reasonable. Vic just wasn't ready and I needed to respect that. Besides, we only started dating Sunday and, even if we don't tell anyone for a while, at least I'll get to have sweet moments like that with him. They made me feel on top of the world and I wouldn't risk that for something so selfish.

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