thirteen (final)

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I didn't know what I was going to do, really. Not one bit. I mean, I was moving. I know I was moving away for now and I had known for months now. But, I never told anyone — especially not Vic. Now, though, I was going tomorrow and I didn't know what to do.

"Kellin? Kellin, are you listening?" My dad tapped my shoulder. I forgot he was even here. Oh, man, I'm screwed. Tears started to pile out my eyes as I looked at him. My dad's eyebrows furrowed as quickly he set down one of my boxes and pulled me into a warm hug.

"What's wrong?" He asked me. I tried my best to compose myself but it took me longer than expected.

"I didn't... I didn't tell V-Vic! I don't know w-what to do, dad!" I whined and sniffled a bit. He rubbed my arm and let me sob into his chest but cooed for comfort right now.

"Why didn't you tell him, Kellin? I thought you two were close."

"I didn't want to leave! I still don't! Not if it m-means leaving h-him!" I whined and wiped my eyes. "I don't know what to do." I started crying again.

"Kellin, why don't we head over there? Then, you can tell him." He suggested.

"Dad!" I dragged out. He was so bad at this but he was all I had right now.

"But, don't you want to tell him?"

"...Yes." I muttered. He rubbed my back and stood me up so we could go to the car. I didn't bother grabbing my phone and texting Vic I was coming over. I was too tired and sad. Besides, I didn't want to feel worse than I did already when it came to him.

When I got there, everyone was there and that just made it worse. How was I supposed to tell him now? His dad, mom and him would all hate me! Vic would hate me...

Before I knew it, we were being greeted inside by a confused Vic.

"H-hey, Mr. Bostwick." He stuttered, shooting me a small smile.

"Hey, Vic. I just brought Kellin over because he wanted to talk to you. Plus, I wanted to see your dad. Can I come in?" I looked down and held back my stupid tears, but my throat was still tight.

"Oh! Yeah, of course." He stood to the side and let us in, stopping me when I passed.

"You okay?"

"Mhm! Let's go to your room, yeah?" I choked.

"Well, okay." Vic held my hand and brought me to his room. He sat me down on his bed and held me for a bit.

"Kells, you look like you've been crying. What's the matter?" He spoke up after a while. I chuckled to myself. He was adorable. I was going to miss him.

"I, uh, I have news."

"Awesome. Okay, lay it on me." I couldn't dance around this. I might as well just say it.

"Vic, I'm moving... for a college program." His face dropped and he looked at me with more confusion.

"What? Kellin, why? We still have time until school ends."

"I know, but I got into this internship program so I'll get ahead for my degree," I explained quickly.

"Uh, alright." Vic cleared his throat. "W-when do you leave at least?" Vic asked. His breath sounded shaky; I felt so awful.

"Tomorrow..." I mumbled.

"Tomorrow?" He asked with surprise. "Seriously?" Vic stood up and went over to his desk to sit. I didn't answer, just sat on his bed kept my mouth shut and head low.

"How long have you known?"

"...Two months."

"So, when I had that dream and you promised I wouldn't lose you, you knew? But, you still said so anyway?" Vic's eyes were glossed over with tears as he began crying. I felt so horrible. I felt like a fake.

"Vic, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." I got up, going over to him but he pushed me away.

"No. Just go, please." I understood. I nodded and made my way to the door.

"I... I love you, Vic. I really do." He didn't answer me. I didn't expect him to — at least he knew. And even if I did end up running out of his house a sobbing mess, not even waiting for my dad, I knew Vic Fuentes loved me. He had to — I loved him.

I didn't go home. I went to that place Vic brought me to on our first date. If I didn't have him physically, then I had our memories in my mind and I'd try my best to live without him.

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