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I really didn't want to practice today but I knew we had to; there was a game Tuesday and we needed to get things done. I just felt so busy and rushed that I was getting stressed out. Although, it didn't help that the boys were here because they kept distracting some of us.

"Alright! Let's go to full then a toe touch on our flyers one more time." I yelled out. "After that, we'll clean up and I'll let you guys go. Okay?"

"Yes, Coach Kellin." Vic said jokingly behind me. I guess the boys had a break in practice or something but, either way, he shouldn't be watching; I needed to get this done.

"Vic, come on. I'm trying to do this. Don't you have practice, too?" I sighed and turned to him. It was warm in the gym and sweat was dripping from most of us — especially Vic. His chest was doused with sweat and, honestly, it was pretty hot.

"I just got out and I want to watch yours." He wiped his sweat with the shirt he had in his hand and sat on the ground with his legs sprawled out. "Let's go, Kells."

I looked at Vic with a boring yet surprised look but sighed anyways. I hadn't heard that name in a while from him but there was no use in questioning him now because I didn't have time. Quickly, I jogged to my position and started.

"Alright, let's go." I began the count and everyone got to work. The bases lifted us half way then to full quickly with ease. I looked around at everyone from up top and made sure everyone was in their places.

"Okay, you guys set?" I asked. Everyone nodded and I kept my arms up.

"Okay, toe touch and then down from full." It was a basic thing but I wanted one of our new flyers to get it down. Thankfully, she did today and we could all move on. When we got done, Vic was clapping with a huge smile on his face. He was lighting up.

"Great job!" He laughed. He looked like it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen and he kept smiling.

"Yeah, thanks." I chuckled and I got some water before walking over to Vic. The girls all began taking down the mats and cleaning up their stuff but I stayed around for a bit.

"So, why were you watching us again?" I helped him get up from the ground but his hand lingered with mine for a second before he let go. His were so much bigger than mine it was ridiculous but it made me happy.

"Just for fun. My mom wants you over some time again. We should make that happen sooner rather than later." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and walked me over toward my stuff but I promptly removed it.

"Flirty much?" I kid but Vic's eyes went wide; he came back to Earth, it seemed.

"And why would I be flirting with you?" He stumbled.

"You tell me." I hit his arm playfully and he took a deep breath.

"Okay, I'll see you later. I'll text you later." Vic hurried out of the gym but I called after him. He wasn't stopping, though, so I let him go.

It was weird, actually, because Vic had never done that before. I was hesitant to even talk to him after that awkward experience but if his mom wanted me over, then I couldn't say no. Besides, I could use that as an excuse to go see him.

I went to my car, took out my phone, and called Vic. Why I was doing this, I couldn't tell you but I know that it took him a couple of rings to answer. He was probably just as confused as I was.


"Vic, what the heck was that? Why did you run off?"

"I don't know, I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable."

"You didn't," I put it simply and there was a lull in the conversation. "I liked it better when we sassed each other." Vic laughed.

"Yeah but, I mean, I don't know." He just stopped talking after that. It was silent on the line for at least two minutes and I hated it. It didn't need to be quiet, we could have normal conversations.

"Okay, I'm coming over. I'll see you soon."

"Kellin, no-" I hung up and drove to Vic's house. His car was in the driveway and so was his dad's so I just let myself in. They wouldn't mind, I'm sure.

"Hey, Kellin. Is everything okay?" Vic's dad asked me. I nodded and greeted him with a hug. I hadn't seen him in a long time but, as much as I would love to, I couldn't stay down there talking to him all evening.

"Yeah! Everything is fine, I'm just here to see Vic. Do you know where he is?"

"He's upstairs, just let yourself in." He took a seat on one of the couches and I thanked him before making my way up the stairs. Luckily, Vic had brought me up here the last time I came over so I could find him room with relative ease.

Without knocking, I walked right in but almost regretted it; I caught Vic in the middle of changing and shut the door out of habit.

"Sorry! Just, uh, let me know when you're done!" I yelled from the other side of the door. I heard Vic shuffle around before opening it and peeking his head out. He looked like he had more clothes on from before so I found the coast to be clear.

"You could have come in before. It would have been fine." He let me in and I entered with my hands on my hips as I listened to him talk.

"Well, I just didn't know. I don't like when people watch me change all the time."

"No, it's fine. I don't mind if people watch," Vic said with a smile and my cheeks got hot.

"Everything is just weird with you today, isn't?"I said, flustered. He shrugged and leaned against the door frame. "Okay, tell me what's going on." I stood in the center of the room feeling a bit awkward.

"Nothing's going on." He confessed. I looked at him like he was dumb. After about a minute of him looking at me with a stupid smirk on his face, he started talking.

"We haven't really been friends for a bit have we?" Vic thought aloud but I didn't answer. "I think we should change that." He looked at me but I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, why don't we start over?" He piped up. I didn't mind the idea as long as it was a true do-over. "Is that okay?"

"That sounds good." I smiled.

"Good!" Vic smiled at me and traced his hand down my arm. I looked up at him and felt a squeezing sensation in the pit of my stomach.

"I have to go, Vic. I'll see you tomorrow." I said bluntly to him and left, going straight to my car.

Knowing Vic and I were going to be close again made me smile because we've been especially close in the past but I had a small of weird feeling. 

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