Hello Mr.Badboy

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This chapter is all about Jaxon and how he started with his badboy ways. I hope you like this little information chapter. I love you :P


Jaxon's P.O.V

Everyone knows me as the badboy, the fuckboy, mr. one night stand. But I wasn't always like this. There is always a reason a person turns or acts a certain way. Well my reason was Jessica Sanchez. A cute girl with blonde hair and green eyes that broke my heart.

It all started 2 years ago, it was close to the winter formal. I was dating Jessica at the time. That day I made Axle come with me to get flowers and chocolate and I made a poster and everything. I told her to meet me by her locker just before lunch. The period before lunch I couldn't sit still. I just anxiously waited for the bell to ring and for Ms. Martinez to say we were dismissed.

Once the bell rang I got up as quick as I could and made my way to Jessica's locker with the flowers, chocolate, and poster in hand. As I turn the corner, I see her with Jason Child, the captain of the football team. She whispered something into his ear and then leans in and kisses him.

She turns around with her eyes wide open because of the loud noise I made when I dropped everything I had in my hands.

"Baby...I can explain," she says walking towards me.

I take a step back from her. "No." I say with a hurt look on my face. "Just don't."

"But-" she says walking closer.

"I said, don't" I tell her louder, causing her to take a step back. She looks down and finally notices all the crap on the floor.

She bends down and picks up one of the roses. "What's this?" She asks looking up at me.

"Its trash......just some shit," I answer, I look at Jason, who is smirking at me. "Just like my love towards you." I add in, quite abruptly, fixing my gaze back on her. "Its just some crap I need to throw away.

"Baby I love you, what are you talking about." She tries walking towards me again but I close my eyes and take a deep breath so I can calm down a little bit.

After a few seconds I finally ask, "Oh really?" Opening my eyes again and breathing out heavily. " That's one hell of a way to show someone that you love them. Cause it sure fucking shows that you love me when you're kissing other guys, and I don't even know what the fuck you were telling him."

"It was nothing," she says looking down, obviously ashamed.

I look at Jason again, kind of surprised he is still there. "What was she telling you," I ask him because if it was nothing, he should have no problem telling me.

I watch her as she runs over to him and begs him not to tell what was so called 'nothing'.

He takes the roses from her and shrugs her off and continues to tell me what I wanted to know. "She was telling me how she was planning to break up with you, to be with me." He replies whilst admiring the roses.

This bitch. At that moment my heart was broken. I made all of this effort for her and this is how she fucking repays me, by planning to break up with me to be with Jason.

" Were these roses for an anniversary or something?" Jason asks, still admiring the flowers.

I shake my head as I start breathing heavier. "I was planning on asking her to the winter formal.

He winces and she looks at me in shock and tears start sliding down her face. She starts walking towards me again. "Baby......I-"

Jason interrupts, thank god and says, "Such a shame, because in all honesty I don't want her." He says this while chucking the roses back at her.

She looks at him astonished."Wait what? You can't just leave me!"

He looks at her with and eyebrow up and the other down and says, "Weren't you planning to do that to him?" He questions and points over to me . I look down as a few tears run down my face.

I wipe my tears roughly and push through a crowd of students that i didn't even know were there. I hear her call out to me but I don't respond. I leave the school and start walking.

That day was the first time I've ever gotten drunk or smoked a cigarette. I went to the gas station and bought a pack of cigarettes whilst walking home. When I got home I got a pack of beers and went onto my back porch. I smoked the whole pack and drank 9 bottles of beer. I felt numb and it made me forget.

The next day I got with a girl, i don't remember her name but we hooked up and it felt good. It made me forget about Jessica so I kept hooking up with a different girl every night. I got a bit of a reputation going but I haven't hooked up with anyone since I started talking to Nikki. I feel like she wouldn't hurt me like Jessica did, I let my guard down just a little when she started hating me less. I just hope everything goes the way I hope it will.

*****************************************Hope you liked this little fill in chapter about Jaxon. There will be more later on and you'll find out more about him and some secrets that he has. Leave comments and let me know how you're liking the story so far. I love you guys. XP

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