Hello Stefan part 2

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Thank You guys sooo much for reading I love you!!


I checked my phone to see who texted me. I need you at Jaxon's house now, it's an emergency, he passed out and he's been drinking, like a lot. -Axle

"Um, I gotta go guys......." I say reading the text.

"Oh, why is everything ok? You look like you've seen a ghost." My brother said looking me up and down.

"Something happened with Jaxon, he was drinking a lot and now he's unconscious." I say looking up from my phone.

"Text me when you get there ok" he said getting up from the couch to walk me to the door.

"Ok I will," I say walking out the door.

I walk out of the apartment complex and see Stefan sitting on the hood of a jet black Bugatti.

"Oh hey, I didn't think you would be back this soon" Stefan said hopping off of the hood of the car. "

"Something came up so we're going to Josh's place now" I say walking towards him.

"Oh ok, get in the car, its better than walking all the way there." Stefan said getting in the drivers seat.

I hesitate to go to the car but I do and get in.

"So why do you want to see Josh so badly?" I say trying to start a conversation.

"Something at work came up," he said very bluntly.

"So how do you know Josh, he your boyfriend or something?" Stefan asks leaning one arm on the window.

"No, he's not. He's my boyfriend's brother." I say glancing at him.

"Oh" he said trailing off.

For the rest of the car ride it was in comfortable silence. In about 10 minutes we pulled up in front of Jaxon's house. I rushed out of the car as fast as I could and knocked on the door. In less than 2 seconds Axle answered the door.

"He's upstairs." That's all Axle had to say before I bolted up the stairs leaving Stefan behind.

Stefan's P.O.V

Once we pulled up in front of the house, Nikki got out of the car and bolted for the door. Some guy opened the door and she ran inside.

I walk up to the door where the guy was. "Sup, is Josh Falls here?" I ask getting straight to the point.

"Yea hold on," the guy said showing me inside.

I sit on a couch in the living room and a few minutes later Josh walks in.

"What the hell are you doing here?!!" he whisper-screams to me.

"Milani sent me" I say in a matter of fact tone.

"No shit Milani sent you, what does he want?" Josh says and you can hear the tension in his voice.

Shit! Why did I say that! Now he's gonna be on my ass trying to get answers. I think to myself as I try to conjure a lie to tell him. Josh stands in front of me with his arms crossed, impatiently waiting for an answer. Aha I got it. Its simple, I thought as a very smart idea popped into my head.

"Milani just wanted me to check up on you. Make sure your not breaking any of the contract, ya know. I was headed to the warehouse to get some supplies and I bumped into your brother's girlfriend. We talked for a little bit and she agreed to take me here. Speaking of your brother......where is he?" I ask trying to get the subject off of me.

"He drank too much, so he's upstairs sorting himself out" Josh says obviously ignoring my explanation on why I was here. I guess I was just that damn convincing.

Nikki's P.O.V

I ran up the stairs tears clouding my vision. Please be ok. Please be ok. I thought as I ran up the last few steps, Axle close behind me. I went into his room calmly, the scent of beer and whiskey and cigarettes hit me like a truck. I look onto the bed to see Jaxon laying there peacefully, all the color drained out of his face.

I hated seeing him like this.

"When is the ambulance gonna get here?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"We called it a few minutes before you came." Just as Axle said that there was red and blue lights flashing outside as the ambulance turned the corner. "I'll deal with them" Axle said as he put a hand on my shoulder before running downstairs to get the paramedics.

I touched Jaxon's face, it was still warm. That was the only way I knew he was alive. I could barely see his chest rise and fall. I grazed my hand over his before taking his hand in mine. He squeezed my hand just the smallest bit, it was barely noticeable. I smiled as a tear rolled down my cheek and i kissed his forehead as the paramedics came in. They put him on a stretcher and carried him to the car. I followed closely behind while Axle and Josh answered he paramedics questions. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, his pale skin, the way his chest moved. My thoughts were interrupted by a hand being placed on my shoulder. I turned to see who it was, and to my surprise it was Stefan.

"What are you still doing here? " I ask genuinely curious.

"Josh told me what happened.....well sort of. And I saw the paramedics, I didn't want to leave until I knew Jaxon was ok." Stefan said sounding really sympathetic.

"Oh, thanks.......I'm fine by the way, so you don't have to stay." I say not trying to be a bother.

"I can tell your not fine just by the way you said that.........come here." He says opening his arms a little. I looked at him sideways, did he really know how I was feeling? Was I that easy to read? I was getting lost in my thoughts and millions of questions until he spoke again.

"C'mon, I know we just met and everything but I can tell your in desperate need of a hug." He was right, I really did need one. I accepted his offer and hugged him. He hugged me back and it was tight yet comforting. It was the type of hug that told you that everything was gonna be ok. We stayed there as the ambulance pulled away. We let go of each other and a tear rolled down my cheek. He wiped it away gently with his thumb and gave me a warm smile. I softly smiled back, pushing my hair behind my ear.

"We should get going if we want to meet them at the hospital." He said walking towards his car.

I didn't realize the Axle and Josh got into the ambulance before it left, but Stefan was right. I followed him to his car and we drove to the hospital. In the car I called Chanel and told her the news. She was freaking out but eventually when she calmed down she said that she would be there as soon as she can. Knowing her, she might get there before we did.


Thanks for reading!! Next chapter will be up tomorrow since I haven't updated in so long. Sorry, LOVE YA <3

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