For the beliebers that have left Justin, your weren't a belieber at all, cause if u were u, would have stayed with Justin no matter what, u were just a fan, never a real belieber, even tho u said u were. Justin feels sad, because of what's happening Beliebers leaving Justin, just because he went to jail. Justin even felt sad & confused, of what's happening he thought his beliebers would stay with him. He also thought that the drama will stop, the thing that the media makes up, he thought they were gonna stop, since it was a new year, but it didn't, they kept going, there making Justin have a lot of stress, pressure, he just wanted to have less hate. He also wanted for the media to stop making things up, because if they keep going, something bad will happen, & of course it would be the media's fault.
As I was saying, if u were really a belieber u would have stayed with Justin, never left his side, no matter what. I think is was a test, if u were really a belieber, but I guess the beliebers that left, weren't beliebers after all, the beliebers that stayed, there true beliebers. I know that he did was wrong, but he didn't meant it, it was a mistake, he didn't meant for anything of that to happen, it just happened, it was a mistake, everyone makes mistakes , he's a human, just like everyone is, he has feelings like a normal person would have. Why can't u just stop hating on him, why did he do to you? nothing, so I don't get it, how can u hate on him. The beliebers that stayed with him, will protect & help him no matter what, I bet you he's happy that u never left, he's proud of you, you'll meet him one day if u haven't, but don't give up, cause if u do you'll lose your chance, but you can try again, no matter what, don't give up.
He's A Human You Know
AcakIf u're a real belieber u wouldn't leave his side, stop the hate on Selena, let Justin be happy with her.