It's eyes remind me of the sun, bright yellow circles that; despite the consequences begged to be looked at. They seemed almost empty these sun like circles. Empty as if you were looking at the eyes of a dead animal. They're there yet something is... is missing. The eyes are present, whole and retaining everything normally that should be present. A dead animals eyes isn't missing anything physical, anything tangible that we can feel. In fact the eyes are a window to the soul, what's missing from a dead animals eyes is just that , a soul. If the yellow circles so meticulously scanning me are like a dead animal, then surely what I'm looking at has no soul. Maybe instead something to match its features . Long gray almost silver arms, at least 4 feet in length. A body that twists away from the limbs and cuts off quicky to slender legs that make up most of the creature, legs that show no movement which in turn mirrors throughout. . It's towering over me. Yet I feel nothing, nothing at all. As if reading my mind straight and elegantly one bends slowly towards me and builds a sort of suspense, a dread. Suddenly I realize I am afraid, and that I'm lying down. Lying down somewhere strange somewhere, somewhere alien. Again nothing when it reaches towards me with its arms, arms moving quicker as it's body moves slowly still towards me on the, on the whatever I'm on. He's closer and now directly above me his arm reaching out somehow still, then I make contact with his eyes that somehow are different than before now this time there is something, something a dead animal doesn't have maybe not even an animal. It's getting closer it's hand even more so it's fingers however many it has start to retreat leaving a single to, in a way, crawl. Without a solid reason I brace myself then as I stare into eyes with anything except a soul, a more sinister thing. Finally he's millimeters from me and my heart unexpectedly races then, I'm somewhere else again.