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Chapter 1:

Blah, Blah, Blah; another day at Millennium High School, I'm a senior but, let's face it guys, school sucks. You must be wondering "oh but if she's so popular why would she hate school?".

Actually I don't care about popularity, sure is nice to be known by everyone but I don't understand the urge of people to be popular is really not a big deal.

At school I'm known as the "Queen Bee", people and even teachers think I'm a bad bitch, but truth is, I'm none of the above; well I might not be too good at passing my exams but that doesn't make me mean, does it?

Whatever, "Sam", I heard my mom yelling, "You're gonna be late for school.", she paused and said "Again.". I sighed, "Alright mom, be right there."

Why does my mom have to be so dramatic?!

I've only been late for school a few, or maybe several, more like "I'm always late" times.

It's not my fault though, I need to get my beauty sleep, though in reality all I wanna do sleep. ugh I just love sleeping, I wish I could sleep forever, then I shall be called "Sleeping Beauty".

When I arrived to school I saw my friends, Nina, Emma and Riley; we have all been friends since kindergarten, best friends if I must say.

"Hey girls" I said, "Hey" they all said in unison, which I always find funny though.

"Oh Sam, Paul have been asking for you.", Nina said, "He says y'all need to discuss something important.", said Emma. "Paul? As in Paul my ex?", I said. "Yep.", said Riley.

Shit. Paul was my ex-boyfriend and the school hottie plus he was a quarterback, we dated for almost one year, before he did what he did.

Effing Jerk.

Guess I'll have to avoid him. The bell rang and I went to math class.

You know how horrible is to start a Monday with Math? One of the 99 reasons I hate Mondays.

As I entered the class, Mrs. Robinson, the math teacher, stopped me.

"Samantha, Dear, I know this is your last year but you're failing math, I'm worried about you.", I sighed, "Mrs. Robinson, is there something I can do? extra work or?", I said.

I may not be the best at school but there's no way in hell I'd miss my summer by doing summer classes or even worst, take the year again. Hell no.

"I'm afraid I can't give you extra work Sam, but there's something you can do.", she said sweetly, "which is?", I answered, "Well you can get a tutor."

A tutor?! Is she nuts?!

Mrs. Robinson is a nice lady but what was she thinking? All tutors are nerds, no offense to all the nerds out there, but they're freaking boring.

Last time I got a tutor I fell asleep during his so called "lessons".

It wasn't just once I fell asleep, I probably fell asleep on all of our "lessons".

"Is there not other thing I can do?", I asked desperately. "I can give you one extra work sheet if you'd like which would help you improve your grades, but for the exams you must have a tutor, you can take a seat now, Samantha.", Mrs. Robinson said. I nodded and went to my seat.

Well fuck.

Where would I get a tutor that would actually like me? Being popular haves it disadvantages, like everybody thinks I'm a mean, heartless bitch, which I'm not, most of the time. 

I was so distracted during all school classes that I didn't notice it was lunch time.

I sat with my friends, which included, Nina, Riley, Emma, Will, Sebastian and Ian.

Paul used to seat with us but since our breakup he seats at the "Jock Table". Ian, Will and Sebastian were jocks too but they're not really close to Paul as they used to be. We talked about random stuff until the bell rang.

During lunch I was trying to avoid Paul as much as I could, I knew he was looking for me but I was definitely not looking for him at all.

So when the bell rang I ran faster than furious.

I was a clumsy child so as I was running I bumped into someone.

"Geez! Watch where you're going!", I said, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to.", the boy sincerely said. I looked up as he was picking up my books. "Wow.", I whispered.

His eyes were mesmerizing and bluer than the ocean, if that's possible, I got lost in his eyes; how come I've never seen him before? "No, no, it's alright, I should be the one apologizing, it was my fault.", I said, "I'm Saman-", he interrupted me before I finished, "I know, I-I mean.", I giggled, He was about to say something but as soon as he opened his mouth to speak, Mr. Parker shouted "Miss Granger, you're late for World History class, again."

Shit. Why am I always late?

I got up and followed Mr. Parker to the class as I waved goodbye to "I don't know he's name but he's really cute" guy, then he waved back.

At least I didn't run into Paul today, I thought. But knowing my luck, I'll probably see him tomorrow.

This is my first book!
I hope you guys liked the first chapter.

and tell me if I should keep up with this story.

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