Are You Here Or in the Atmosphere?

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Chapter 2:
Are You Here Or in the Atmosphere?

Ugh! I can't believe I'm failing math!

My mom would be so disappointed, but then again when I don't let my mom down?

Ever since dad left it's been difficult for us. Although, I come from a wealthy family, I still miss my dad; that doesn't mean a little
girl can miss him right? Though, I barely have a memory of him and i'm not a little anymore. And in case you're wondering, yes, I'm an only child.


Did I mention I was still trying to avoid Paul?

Well I am.

I may be popular, but I'm nobody's toy.

That's right Paul, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice... don't worry motherfucker, you won't get the chance.

Enough about Paul. But can we appreciate that cute guy I bumped into yesterday? Damn he was really cute. I wonder what his name was?

It was fourth period meaning I had Biology class.

Fuck you, Biology. When would I use Biology terms in my life? I don't need to know how a damn cell divides! Unless I want to be a scientist, fun!

Which reminds me, I can't be a scientist if I'm failing math! Not that I wanna be a scientist and dissect a frog. I think I'll pass that one out!

Biology ended, I, of course didn't understood a word that my teacher said.

The bell rang so I had a ten minute break.

Nina, Emma, Riley and I, were talking about nonsense, as usual. Those ten minutes we had went on really fast. And my next class was English so I was cool with it.

After English class I had History class, which I actually enjoy. I still don't understand why I have English class, I know English. Why can't I have a cool language class like i don't Spanish?

Hola Amigos.

Sometimes I wish people would like me for the real me and not because the fact that I'm pretty or that I dated the "school hottie".

Who cares who the eff I dated?

As usual I was lost in my own thoughts, as I heard, "Miss Granger, who were the Holy Roman Empire?", Mr. Parker asked. What the fuck, aren't we supposed to be studying World War II?

"Miss Granger, are you here or in the atmosphere?"

Oh no. Not that silly joke again.

"Uh, Germany?", I answered, "Correct", he said, "I'm glad you're not in the atmosphere".

Mr. Parker kept making jokes, that weren't even funny, for the whole hour. Thank God I was literally saved by the bell. Get it? No? Okay.

At lunchtime, the girls and I were discussing about going out shopping until Emma said, "You would not believe who's Paul dating!", I rolled my eyes, "Who?!", said Riley. "Probably the same slut he dated before.", I responded, "You?", said Nina meanwhile laughing. "Oh Nina you're so hilarious I could totally punch you in the face.", I sarcastically said. "Aw, you're so sweet Sam!", she said and blew me a kiss.

I pretended to be mad and playfully punched her arm, "You're not funny Neens!", I said.
Riley stopped us and almost yelled, "Wait Emma! So who's the unlucky girl?".

I love my friends.

"Oh you know.", Emma said while pointing at the girl sitting next to Paul. "Chelsea Matthews?!", whispered Nina. Emma nodded.

Chelsea Matthews was a cheerleader, but she got kicked out of the team because she didn't even know how to cheer, how ironic. She thinks she's super smart and super attractive. Truth is, she's just a rich girl who thinks everyone likes her, though nobody actually does. Poor girl.

Unfortunately the bell rang, and guess what? My next class was Math. Shit.

I knew I was doing really bad at Math and I tried to focus in class but that shit was impossible.

At the end of the class, Mrs. Robinson stopped me.

"Samantha, dear, I found you the perfect tutor!", she said enthusiastically. "Mr. Fitzgerald, come here.", Mrs. Robinson said.

When this "Mr. Fitzgerald" got out of his chair and started to walked towards us, I realized he was the same boy I bumped into yesterday.


"Nathaniel, this is..", Mrs. Robinson said before she was cut by Nathaniel. By the way, he had a sexy name! "Oh, I remember you!", he said and smirked at me.

Isn't he supposed to be a nerd? Nerds don't smirk.

"Well I don't remember you.", I said.

Why did I even said that? It was just a dumb thing to say. Truth be told, I did remember him. How could I even forget him. I mean look at him!

"Whether, you remember him or not. He's your new tutor, and I expect to see some changes here Samantha.", the teacher said. "Mr. Fitzgerald, Miss Granger, have a great afternoon, and Samantha, please remember what I said.", that was the last thing she said as she exited the classroom.

"Guess it's just you and me Granger.", Nathaniel said. "Or maybe it's just you.", I said as I walked away. "Wait!", I heard Nathaniel said while he grabbed my wrist, "We still need to arrange the schedule for the tutoring.".

Shit I totally forgot.

Who am I lying to, I just wanted another excuse to talk to him again.

"Oh right!", I said, "Silly me.", I paused, "How about Tuesdays and Thursdays?", I suggested. "Sounds okay to me.", he answered.

"See you around Granger.", he said as he was leaving the room.

Oh Fitzgerald, of course you'd see me around. At least I hope so.

So guys i'm so sorry i haven't updated since July probably!

I've been really busy with school, but at least i wrote another chapter.

Tell me what you think about it!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2016 ⏰

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