Drake x Armen

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Drake's pov
I'm in a abandoned and burnt village looking for survivors and supplies, since Grayson Mia and I wen our separate ways, I've been kinda lonely...
I've been searching threw a few burnt down houses and all I could find was burnt children's toys and rotting food, all the backpacks I found were empty and the remaining weapons where of no use to me, they where all beaten and wouldn't help me in a fight,
I grunted and walked into a house and I was looking threw the drawers, I found a few burnt pictures of happy family's and some rusty necklaces and bracelets, there was nothing good here, I was just about to leave the house but, I heard,
A strange voice uttering sweet nothings, it was a soothing voice, a calming voice, it was a voice of someone who just stopped crying, it was, coming from outside! I swiftly walk out of the house and towards the voice, in the back of the house was... Armen?? He had his knees to his chest and his arms wrapped around them with his head buried in his arms, he was whispering about what happened to this village and how he wished it wouldn't have happened,
"A-Armen? Buddy is that really you?" I stutter while I walk closer to Armen, "Armen?" I say as I squat down by Armen, he slowly lifts up his head and looks over at me, tears stained his face, his eyes where his normal blue color but one looked lighter than the other, "Uh.. I'm sorry but... do I, do I know you?" Armen said, I give him a puzzled look, "Armen, Armen its me, Drake? Remember? Grayson Mia, Me... don't you remember?" I say as I sit on my knees by Armen, "N-no" Armen says as he looks at my eyes, he squints his eyes, then his eyes get really big,
"AAAAA!!! G-GET AWAY FROM ME!" Armen shouted as he quickly backed away from me, "Armen?! What's wrong?!" I say as I move toward him, "NOO!! STAY BACK!!" Armen shouted as he grabbed his dagger and pointed it at me, tears began to fall down his cheeks, "Armen what is it?" I say as I try to get closer to him, his hand holding the dagger began to shake and he dropped the dagger, he then curled up like he was wen I found him and cried into his arms, I realized that my white eye is what had scared Armen, "Armen?" I say as I pick up his dagger and get closer to him, he looks up at me and looks down at the dagger, Armen shouts and gets up and takes a few steps back, I put the dagger on my backpack and slowly stand up "Arme-" "WHY DO YOU KEEP SAYING MY NAME?!!!!? HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW MY NAME JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Armen shouts at me before he runs away from me, "ARMEN WAIT!" I shout as I run after him, "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Armen shouts as I catch up to him, I grab Armen's arm, "LET ME GO!!" Armen shouts as he tries to get my hand off him, "Armen, I don't want to hurt you, please, even if you don't remember me, stop running," Armen slowly stops struggling and stands still, trying to stop crying, I slowly let go of his arm, once my hand is off his arm Armen crosses his arms and look down, I walk In front of Armen, "You, you have Herobrine in you" Armen whispers, he refused to look at me, I look down, "I-i did this, to save you, ya know..." I mumble, Armen looks at me puzzled, "I got this white eye cause I was trying to save you," I say as I grab Armen's hands, "I meant to put all of your Herobrine on me to save you," I look up at Armen, Armen takes a step back, "I thought I took a lot out of you but, I only took a small amount" I say as I get closer to Armen, "A-and... I-I uhm," "Why did you try to take all of my Herobrine off of me? You would be the one people would fear" "C-cause... I-I *steps closer to Armen* I-..... I have feelings for you, a-and, I didn't want you to suffer..." I say as I blush, Armen blushes, "And, since you where, possessed by Herobrine 24/7.... I never wanted to admit it.." "D-Drake, I-I... I have felling f-for you too" Armen says, I look at Armen's handsome blue eyes, I blush, I lean in closer to Armen, Armem blushes more, I press my lips against his, we both blush madly, Armen puts his arms around my neck, after a while I hear a strange sound that I know Armen didn't make,
I slightly open my eyes,
But it wasn't Armen,


I pushed Him away in fear and disgust, "WHAT THE HELL?!" I shout, "I'm sorry I couldn't stand kissing you Drake!!" Herobrine shouts at me, "What the hell do you mean?!" I shout, "Well, I was the body, Armen was the looks and everything else, so basically, I let Armen be free for a while, BUT THEN YOU TO KISSED AND I COULDN'T STAND IT!!" "If you where just the body, then why-" "I'm the body, I can feel the things too" I grow angry, I put my hands by my side, fire surrounds my hands, "Deake, if you where smart you would think twice about trying to attack me" Herobrine says In his evil low voice, I growl as the fire on my hands gets bigger until it goes away, "Now, there's a smart lad, now, I best be off, I have some, business to attend to," "See you in hell" I say as Herobribe fades away,  I stand there and calm myself down,
After I'm calm I take Armen's dagger off my backpack, I hold it close to my chest, I then slowly turn around and walk out of the burnt and abandoned village

Well! That was the first chapter! Hope you enjoyed, and if you didn't, then, uhm, sorry... BUT ANYWAY!!! Next chapter will be Drake X Grayson so if your a Drayson or Grake shipper stay tuned for that

Any ways,

Rosina AWAY!

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