Drake x Grayson

398 11 9

Grayson's pov

Its a nice day outside today, a what better way to spend this kind of day, than sitting in a berry bush FAR FAR away from any civilization,
Yup, I'm sitting in a berry bush under a tree in the shade, it was kinda cooler in the shade, it was nice, there was a nice breeze that flowed threw the berry bush I was sitting in, I did enjoy it, I began to eat berries,
Then my berry eating was interrupted by the sound of footsteps! I slowly turn around in the bush, I see a man walking towards my bush, I stayed still and quiet, before the person could do anything to the berry bush I pull out my loaded crossbow and swiftly stand up, I startle the man and he falls backwards, "Who are yo-" "...Grayson? Grayson is that really you??" "Drake?!" Drake gets up with excitement "Oh my god, Grayson you have NO idea about how happy I am to see you!!" Drake shouts as he hugs me, I drop my crossbow and it falls into the berry bush, I hug him back, "Grayson, oh my god it's so nice to see a familiar face, it brings back sanity to see a friendly face like yours Grayson" Drake hugs me tighter, "Drake! It's nice to see you to man!" Drake pulls away from the hug and puts his hands on my shoulders and smiles, I chuckle, "Now what are you doing in a berry bush?" Drake says as he picks me up by my shoulders and takes me out of the bush, Drake reaches in the bush and grabs my crossbow and backpack, he hands my backpack and crossbow, "Thank you!" I say as I put my crossbow in my backpack and put my backpack on my back, "So, why where you in a berry bush?" Drake asks as he begins to walk, "Because why not?" I say as I catch up to Drake, "So, what are you doing here?" I ask Drake, "Well, I.... just adventuring around" I could tell Drake was lying, whatever he had really been doing he obviously didn't want to talk about so I just rolled with it, "I see," I said as I nod my head, "So, what are you doing?" Drake says as he looks at me, "Eh, I'm just trying to avoid being captured by the empire, as usual," I say as I put my hands behind my back, Drake nods his head and looks down, "S-so, how you been with the whole, white eye thing?" I ask, trying to continue the conversation, "Well... I haven't really had a headache in a while, now that I think about it, I haven't had a headache since, we split up" Drake responds, "Really?" "Yeah, I don't know if that's a good or bad thing tho, I mean, I enjoy not having headaches but it concerns me that I don't get them, I don't know why..." I ponder upon why it worries Drake that he doesn't get headaches, what has he been doing? "Uh, so, have you seen Mia at all?" Drake asks, "No, but I hope she's ok," "I bet she is, she's pretty tough" "Yeah" There is an awkward silence...
I wonder what Drake is thinking

Drakes pov
I hope Grayson and Mis aren't a thing! I really hope that they are just friends! Please tell me that Grayson is single! I hope I'm not blushing! "Grayson?" I ask trying to sound normal, "A-are you and Mia together?" I ask blushing lightly, "N-no... why do you ask?" I blush "N-no reason"
"So Drake, have you found any new spells or leaned any new Mage tricks?" Grayson asks, "Well, I'm leaning how to shoot fire at things" I respond, "That will come in handy" "Well, kinda, I'm still learning it so sometimes it may not fire at my target or fire on time..." Grayson nods his head, Grayson looks up at the sky, "What?? How did it get so cloudy so fast? It was just sunny a second ago!" Grayson says, "Sh!t" I mumble "Is it gonna rain?" I question in an annoyed voice, "Looks like it" I grunt, "There is no shelter around her for miles!" I say as I fold my arms I front of my chest, I feel a drop of water on my arm I grunt, Grayson looks at me, then at the floor, "Drake," Grayson says while blushing lightly, "Yes?" I say as I look over at him, we both stop walking, Grayson takes off his jacket and hands it to me with a smile, "Here, take it, you'll need it more than I do," Grayson says as he blushes, "Really? T-thank you" I say as I take the jacket, I put on the jacket and it felt like being hugged by Grayson, I hugged myself and lightly blushed, it started to sprinkle, I looked around, Grayson started running, "C'MON!" He shouted, I looked behind me in alarm but nobody was there, I ran up to Grayson anyway, "W-why are we r-running?" I say as it starts to rain harder, "T-there is a big tree up ahead, I-if we can get there before the rain gets to bad we can have shelter there!" Grayson responds, "Ok!" I shout,
After running for a few more minutes Grayson and I found the big tree, we ran under the tree and sat under it, Grayson and I sat very close together while we stared at the rain, Grayson and I where laughing in relief, we where both soaking wet, I chuckled "Wow!" Grayson shouts, "It really started pouring fast now didn't it?" I say as I nervously chuckle, "Yeah it did!" Grayson says as he stands up, I look up at him, "HA!" Grayson says as he looks down at me, "What?" "Im finally taller than you!" Grayson says as he giggles and looks up into the tree, Grayson turns around and starts climbing the tree, "Grayson? What are you doing? I ask as I stand up,  "I'm building a sand castle" Grayson says sarcastically, "I'm climbing the tree c'mon! Come with me!" I chuckle, I climb the tree with Grayson, Grayson was sitting on a branch waiting for me, once I get up to the height where Grayson was I sit on a branch across from him,
I take off Grayson's jacket and shake it to try and get all the water off of it, once it was relatively dry I handed it to Grayson with a smile, "Thanks" Grayson says as he takes the jacket and ties it around his waist, "Drake?" Grayson says as he moves to the branch closer to me while blushing, I blush just looking at his blush, "Yes?" I respond, "I have a question for you" "What is it?" "I-if I where to... get caught by the empire, what would you do?" Grayson asks as he scoots closer to me, I look at him confused, "I-I would go get you, save you, I would do everything in my power to try and get you" I say, "But, if I where to die" Grayson says as he looks away from me, "I~.... I would be completely devastated, I wouldn't be able to go on" I say as I look at the back of Grayson's head wondering when he will turn back around, I hear Grayson sigh, "I know that, one day this will happen... and I won't be here to help you with your.... white eye, and, I just," Grayson turns and looks at me, I blush, "Every second with your passive self is precious cause, we never know when you will turn," Grayson says as he blushes, I blush, "And, I-it's better that I tell you this now than later, Drake, I-" I look at Grayson with big hopefully eyes, "I love you"Grayson says as he blushed intensely, I blush like mad, "I've had felling a for you too but I held them back cause I thought you loved Mia" I say, "Well, I love you" Grayson says as he Grabs my shirt and pulls my close to him,
And before I could do say or think of anything I was kissing Grayson, my face us so red I might explode, I get over the surprise of the kiss and kids Grayson back, once the kiss ended Grayson and I snuggled up together in the tree and waited for the rain to pass.

----------------------------------------------AND THERE YOU HAVE IT! This was the Grake ship! Hope you enjoyed and if you didn't... Well, Grayson X Mia is up next so, if your a GameFactory shipper you can look forward to that

But any way, sorry for any typos

Rosina out!

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