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(Y/n) sat on the side of the road, shivering. Night had descended, and so had the temperature. She would starve again tonight like any other.

Pulling her knees up to her chest, (Y/n) hugged her legs for warmth, trying to ignore the hunger and sleep. If only the other folks that knew her could arrive in time. She knew well that they were off, gathering another meager amount of food for her and the rest of the homeless population. They wouldn't be back in the next two days.

(Y/n)'s stomach grumbled as she finally managed to drift into her dark dreams.

"Mother!" (Y/n) called, dashing through the forest. Something was chasing her, panting sounding inhumane.

"Go on without me, (Y/n)! It is too-"

A scream issued behind (Y/n) followed by gruesome ripping noises. She ran even faster. The thing finished with her mom and continued running after her, getting closer and closer...

Its hot breath was on her neck...

(Y/n) awoke with a shriek, sitting up. It was cold and dark outside, yet her face was slick with sweat. She wiped it off, looking around. She absolutely needed food before the night could go on.

She staggered to a nearby convenience store, strength failing already, and eased the door open.

The old man at the register gave her a dirty look but continued to read his newspaper.

She was about to do something she might regret.

Dashing in, she found the largest bag of Cheetos she could carry and watched the road from the window. The coast was clear.

She breezed by the register, pretending to pay, then shoved the door open, running away on the street.

"Stop! Thief!" The store owner began dialing a number on his phone, calling the police, but (Y/n) was already far away.

She dashed into the nearby forest, running and running. Her mother had raised her with proper morals, but she was desperate for food. She ripped open the Cheetos bag, stuffing some into her mouth. They were hardly real food, but it would suffice.

A few more minutes and she heard sirens behind her. Crap. The police were smarter than she thought.

She pushed deeper into the forest, running like she had in her nightmare earlier.

Then, she heard a panting sound familiar to the one in her dream. Heart thumping, she ran even faster. Could her dream have been a vision? It was happening now.

She turned around, catching a glimpse of the beast. Glowing red eyes pierced her soul, and she screamed, turning around to meet a tree branch.

Darkness fell as (Y/n) passed out.

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