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Lol, just wanted a food pic^

"This is...unacceptable."

Yuki settled on the word after considering the panting (Y/n) for a while. Etsuko wandered around them, playing with her shopping.

"Come on, Onee-chan. Don't be so hard on (Y/n)." Etsuko looked up with round eyes at Yuki. "She just came to live with us." Etsuko was so reasonable sometimes for someone so young.

"Fine, Nee-chan." Yuki turned to (Y/n). "Well, not that it bothers me. You guys still got back safe. What my brother thinks of this is what I'm worried about. He's quite hard on mistakes the pack makes."

"Right." (Y/n) looked on bleakly. "Well, I'll willingly accept any punishment he gives me."

Yuki glanced at her, amazed. She had nothing to say to this. The rules of the pack now bound (Y/n) as well.

"Then, you should meet with him at once."



Nahuel stared at (Y/n). "I just asked you to come out and dine with me tonight. Is that not acceptable?"

"O-Of course it is," (Y/n) stuttered. It was just that this wasn't really the kind of punishment she was expecting. "I'll go." Her cheeks were dusted a light pink from thinking of him. 

It was punishment enough for her just to be around Nahuel.

"Well, I expect you to meet me at the lone tree near the training ground, right after the sun dips below the horizon." Nahuel finished, then offered her a heartwarming smile. 

"Yes, Danchou."


"Ayee, you look amazing, Onee-chan!" Etsuko finished tying the (F/c) ribbon around (Y/n)'s (H/c) hair. "Danchou will love it!" 

(Y/n) looked away, smiling and blushing. She did look wonderful. Too wonderful. She took one last look at herself in the calm surface of the lake where they lived. Hopefully, Danchou wouldn't make anything of it. That would truly embarrass her.

"Well, you should go, (Y/n)-chan. Leader awaits." Etsuko bowed to her respectfully.

(Y/n) smiled, bidding Etsuko goodbye before setting off for the lone tree, the folds of her (F/c) dress flowing elegantly behind her. She also wore matching (F/c) sandals besides that.

Nahuel stood, leaning against the tree in a sleek white suit. (Y/n) was completely taken. A rose was stuck in the suit's pocket. Nahuel looked up at her calmly as she approached.

"Well," he said, "shall we go?" He raised out a hand.

"Yes. Let us go." (Y/n)'s hand settled into the neko leader's own.


"Wow," (Y/n) whispered as Nahuel lead her into a richer part of the city. Money sure was thrown around here. Something as simple as a drink of water cost at least twice the amount she had seen it sold at near her former home.

They entered a richly-decorated restaurant. Velvet curtains adorned its large glass windows, opened to reveal the night sky. Silk tablecloths draped over the tables, complete with silk-wrapped utensils and glasses with silk handkerchiefs in them. The waiters and waitresses moved about with a grace and tact unspoken of. It was truly luxurious.

Nahuel let go of her hand for the first time since they had started their walk and gestured gently for her to sit down. A table for two. 

The waiter quickly made his way over to them, pulling out a small pad. "What will you be having today?" (Y/n) looked down and noticed the large menus set before them.

"Some soup, please. With chopped steak in it. Ultra rare." Nahuel's tastes were certainly human, but with the slight twist. Nevertheless, the waiter made no comment, writing his order down.

"And you, Miss?" (Y/n) glanced over the choices. The delicious dishes that all cost a fortune. Finally deciding on one she said, " Well I'll have (F/F), please." The waiter wrote it down, then asked for drinks, to which Nahuel and (Y/n) both ordered water. Then, he left.

"So," Nahuel looked at (Y/n) with his steady gaze. "Tell me more about yourself, (Y/n)-chan. I like to know all of my pack members well." 

(Y/n) kept her gaze down on the table. She wanted to get to know him as well. "I don't have much to say, except that I was abandoned on the streets shortly after my mother passed away." It was terrible but true.

"You do not have to focus on that if it is filled with that much sorrow. Look into something else. Maybe your likes and dislikes. That would be a good place to start." Nahuel was being kind and understanding to her. Good leadership qualities. (Y/n) stole a slight smile.

"Now that you put it that way, I guess I could say I really like reading." (Y/n) would steal into the public library when she could, reading until it closed. Her mother had encouraged her well before her passing, and that encouragement had gone a long way. "I used to read for hours straight each day in the public library." 

Nahuel laughed lightly. "I see. I enjoy reading, too." They chatted until the waiter presented their dinners, then ate in peace.

(Y/n) literally wolfed her food down as she was used to having only small periods of time to eat stolen food before the owners of it would come for her. 

Nahuel watched her. "There is no need to rush. You're going to choke yourself." He laughed lightly, although his face held a mildly concerned expression. "Slow down, (Y/n)."

(Y/n) eased her pace slightly, touched at his concern for her. "Okay, Danchou."

"Please call me Nahuel. You're being much too formal for an event like this." They laughed together at the situation.

"Alright, Nahuel." (Y/n) blushed.

Perhaps Nahuel considered her more than just one of his little underlings.


"Well, (Y/n), did you enjoy our night out?"

(Y/n)'s face was becoming a blushing mess as she nodded furiously, keeping her face away from Nahuel's. "Yes, I did."

She exhaled sharply as she felt his gentle hand take her chin, turning her face towards him.

"My, are you alright?" Nahuel looked at (Y/n)'s tomato-red blush. "You seem to have a fever."

"Y-Yes. Of course. Don't worry about me. I'm fine."

Nahuel wouldn't accept it. "Here, please. Get onto my back. I'll carry you home." He bent down and raised out his arms behind him, waiting for (Y/n) to get on.

(Y/n) could only stare. What had she gotten herself into? 

Her legs disobeyed her thoughts, carrying her over to Nahuel. Her arms wrapped around his neck firmly before she knew it. Great. Just great.

"Alright. Hold on." Nahuel set off at a steady pace, trying not to worsen (Y/n)'s 'fever.' "We'll be home before you know it."

(Y/n)'s blush only deepened. She closed her eyes, slipping away from reality.

Long chapter cuz' I haven't updated in a reaaallly long time. School's coming up, so by then, you can expect even less frequent updates ;_;.

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