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(Y/n) sprang out of her bed, feeling refreshed. "Yesh!"

It had been a week since the neko pack had rescued her from the creature in the forest. (Y/n) had gotten used to her new family since then and looked forward to spending more time with them. It was way better than street life, she had to admit.

"Yay, (Y/n)'s up!" Her five neko sisters surrounded her in a group hug.

Akane was, like her name stated, all about bright red shades. She was second youngest in the pack. Her hair, eyes, ears, and clothes were all some kind of red. She also had a fiery personality about her that everyone enjoyed. (Y/n) and her got along well enough.

Aoi was the opposite of Akane and was third oldest in the pack

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Aoi was the opposite of Akane and was third oldest in the pack. She preferred wearing dark shades of blue to match her hair, eyes, and ears, and was somewhat colder as well. Y/n and her were still on friendly terms, though.

Mari was the most rebellious of them all, the middle sister

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Mari was the most rebellious of them all, the middle sister. She was known to deliberately disobey the leader's orders, sometimes getting the pack into huge trouble, but her daring personality was respected by many of her sisters. Her beautiful golden hair, ears, and eyes made her look even more stunning as she practiced with her sword for the others to see.

 Her beautiful golden hair, ears, and eyes made her look even more stunning as she practiced with her sword for the others to see

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Etsuko was the optimistic one, the youngest of the sisters. She was always trying to get her sisters to get along with each other when the leader or Yuki weren't there. Being the joyous neko she was, she made sure to give (Y/n) the best welcome she could get.

 Being the joyous neko she was, she made sure to give (Y/n) the best welcome she could get

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Yuki, of course, was the Great One. She had a cold demeanor when you first got to know her but slowly opened up to you. She seemed to be the one managing all of the pack's affairs, being the eldest sister of the Leader after all.

"Gmm! Mmm...mssmm!"

They let go of her quickly. "What, (Y/n)-chan?"

(Y/n) took in a breath. "You were suffocating me!" she clarified to the other girls, who immediately felt guilty.

"Gomen," they all apologized sheepishly, then brightened up again.

"It's time you went to see Danchou, (Y/n)," Yuki said, and all of the others nodded, immediately whisking (Y/n) off to the Leader's quarters ('Danchou' means 'Leader/Head' in Japanese by the way)


"Danchou." (Y/n) used the word for 'Leader' as she had been instructed to by Yuki to address the boss of the group. 

"Sit down." A soft but rich voice purred from behind the large chair turned towards her in the room. (Y/n) looked to see a small cushion in front of her. She quickly took a seat.

"Now, we cannot go on without proper introductions." The chair turned around, and (Y/n) gasped.

"I am Nahuel (Lol I needed a name beginning with 'N'), Leader of the Nekos." 

The dark silhouette shifted, revealing an boy with long, white hair. Beside him, a growl resounded, and (Y/n) saw a snow-white tiger prowl towards her. It sniffed at her, then purred. 

"You will find that I'm unlike any other neko in our pack. I am actually part wildcat, not domestic house cat." True that. (Y/n) shivered as Nahuel suddenly appeared behind her. His warm breath tickled her ear, and she shivered.

"I know how you fare regularly. I have observed the like on the streets you live on, and I can see how unpleasant that is." (Y/n) could only nod. "I am glad you have decided to stay with us."

"Of course." (Y/n) didn't see why she shouldn't.

However, there was a catch. There was always one.

"We will train you to fight against the Fanged One that has injured you so badly. You will become one of us, if only partly." She knew it, but somehow, even if she didn't want to, had to accept.

"Alright." Nahuel seemed to smile behind her. It was a gentle smile that held many secrets (Y/n) could not figure out. The leader - what could he be thinking?

"Excellent." (Y/n) then found herself being whisked out of the chamber, everything a blur around her but the strange throbbing she now felt in her heart. 

Sorry for the late update! I was trying to find the pics of all of the sisters and I couldn't decide. Hope you enjoyed it!

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