Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Mistrea stretched out in bed and opened her eyes on a beautiful sunny Tuesday morning. She relaxed for a few more minutes before getting up to prepare for the day. She organised coffee and made herself some toast. As she sat eating she opened her diary to see what she’d organised for the day.

She had a ten o’clock appointment with Mr Patrick Henderson, the Principal at Kendrick High, she laughed to herself at the school’s name. If they only knew! Then she gave herself a mental shake and started organising her thoughts in regards to the meeting.

Mistrea tidied up the kitchen and checked the time, it was still early but she was eager to leave so she grabbed her bag and keys and headed for the car. She parked the car in the main street and wandered up the street checking out some of the stores.

Mistrea noted the stationary shop and also a book store, two of her favourite places to browse. She went into the stationary shop and had a look around. She ended up buying a notebook and pen then decided she had time for a coffee before heading to the school.

She found a small café ordered a coffee and took a seat in a booth by the window pulling out her notebook and pen while she waited for her order to arrive. She jotted down a few ideas for her first class and smiled at the waitress when she placed her coffee in front of her. She lifted the cup before blowing on its surface and taking a sip.

As she placed the cup back on the saucer her eyes were drawn to the window and when her stomach did a familiar flip flop she almost cringed. She lifted her eyes and saw Zac across the street sauntering along at a relaxed pace.

Sauntering? Seriously where the hell did that come from? Although she had to agree it was the correct word for what he was doing. He stopped and she pulled back from the window not wanting him to see her. He looked at the café, scanned the front window as if looking for someone then continued on his way.

Mistrea breathed a sigh of relief and drank her coffee; she needed to focus on the upcoming meeting. When she was ready she made her way to the counter to pay. She wanted to scope out the high school before the meeting so she could get a sense of where she’d be working.

As she drove up the street on her way to the high school she saw Zac out of the corner of her eye. He was standing on the sidewalk with a man almost as tall and broadly built as he was. She kept her eyes on the road ahead and kept driving ignoring the fact that he was watching her.

When she got to the high school she parked and locked the car before moving towards the front entrance of the building. She found her way to the main office and approached the reception area.

The receptionist greeted her warmly, “How can I help you?”

“Good morning, I’m Mistrea Larkin I have a meeting with Principal Henderson.”

“Please take a seat Miss Larkin; I’ll let him know you’re here.” She smiled and buzzed Henderson to let him know she was there.

She’d barely got the words out and Principal Henderson came through his office door to greet her. “Miss Larkin it’s so nice to finally meet you, please come take a seat,” he indicated his office.

Mistrea smiled and preceded him into his office and taking a seat. They chatted for a few minutes, he’d read some of her academic work and she figured that was a plus in her being appointed a position at the school. Several minutes later he was showing her to the room she’d be using; it was smallish but light and airy. On the plus side she was told she could make it her own.

She turned to Mr Henderson, “How many students have signed up for my class?” she shook her head, “never mind sometimes it’s best to start with just a few, but you did stipulate that only sixteen years and over can sign up for the class?”

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