Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Mistrea was up early next morning organising breakfast. It was going to be a highly emotional day and if she was going to get through it, she’d need sustenance. She also had two male Were’s to feed. With that in mind Mistrea organised a pot of coffee before making a start on a platter of eggs, bacon, hash browns, tomatoes and sausages. That done she also placed a plate of toast on the kitchen table as well.

The sound of footsteps told her someone else was up, taking only a moment to realise it was Oliver. He grabbed three mugs and poured coffee then brought them to the table. “Ivan will be right down.” He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, “This smells great Misty.” he gave her a smile and took a seat waiting for both Mistrea and Ivan before he filled his plate.

Ivan had spent the night in the bedroom next to Mistrea’s. He wanted to be close by, in case she needed him. Mistrea had been under his care for many years now and he’d always thought of her as a daughter.

He knew Mistrea was a strong woman; she’d had to be, to get past what she already had. That didn’t stop him from worrying about her though and he knew deep down that even if she were to settle down with someone, the worry wouldn’t completely go away. Ivan gave himself an internal shake of his head. That’s what being a father is.

He made his way downstairs and took a seat at the table opposite Oliver. Mistrea looked at him curiously and he smiled at her. “This is your home Mistrea; therefore you sit at the head of the table.”

She took her seat and Oliver held the platter offering it to her. Mistrea took what she wanted and watched as the two men seated with her did the same. They didn’t speak during breakfast, for which Mistrea was grateful. Mistrea had more than enough on her mind, spending the time sorting through her emotions and what she needed to say when Zac arrived later in the morning.

All too soon the kitchen was tidied and they were in the living room waiting for Mae and Alwyn. Several minutes later Oliver was moving towards the front door, he opened it and stepped aside waiting for Mistrea’s Aunt and Uncle.

Mistrea looked at the wall clock silently; it was just after eight thirty. Mae sat on one side her, Alwyn on the other, both immediately reaching a hand to her. Touch was important to Were’s and they had been denied contact with their niece for such a long time.

Ivan gave Alwyn a nod of acknowledgement and turned to Oliver. “Is there any coffee left? I could use some and I’m sure,” he nodded towards Mae and Alwyn, “Mistrea’s family could as well?”

Oliver got to his feet, leaving Ivan to speak to Mistrea and her family. He wasn’t family, although he’d considered himself close to it. Today though, was important and Mistrea would need the comfort, guidance and strength of these three people. So he took his time organising the coffee, giving them as much time as he could.

“So,” began Mistrea.

Alwyn gave her hand a comforting squeeze and Mae smiled softly, just happy to have her family together again.

Mistrea looked around realising Kyle wasn’t there. “Where’s Kyle? He should be here too.”

“He’s young Mistrea; he shouldn’t have to deal with this.” Alwyn stated.

“No uncle Wyn, he should be here. Kyle supported me from day one. He’s put up with a lot of crap from Zac and we… he’s family. I want him here.”

Alwyn glanced at Ivan who gave a barely visible nod of his head. They sat quietly for the next ten minutes sipping the coffee Oliver made and waiting for Kyle to arrive.

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